Anyone tackled SB 1100 and have an opinion? My first impression on reading some of it is that the funds distribution depends too much on producing wells. Drilling wells that are then shut-in also have an impact. I've attempted to summarize my understanding of the funds distribution section. YMMV.
Recipients of Shale Impact Account funds:
I - PAPUC - Cost of collecting and distributing the funds.
II - County Conservation Districts - fixed amounts, off the top.
$2,500,000 - 2010 (retroactive) : $5,000,000 - 2011 : $7,500,000 - 2012 ->
A - 50% divided equally among the districts
B - 50% based on a formula I didn't decipher
III - 60% (of remainder)
A - 36% to counties with producing unconventional wells. The amount is proportional to the number of producing wells in the county divided by the number of producing wells in the state.
B - 37% to municipalities with producing unconventional wells. The amount is proportional to the number of producing wells in the municipality divided ty the number of producing wells in the state.
C - 27% to municipalities in counties with producing unconventional wells. The county-wide amount is proportional to the number of producing wells in the county divided by the number of producing wells in the state. The subsequent distribution of the county total to the municipalities is:
1 - 50% based on proportion of county population
2 - 50% based on proportion of county highway miles.
IV - 40% (of remainder)
A - 80% to Commonwealth Financing Authority* for grants
B - 10% to Motor License Fund
C - 10% to Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund
* "The Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) [is] an independent agency of the Commonwealth to administer Pennsylvania's economic stimulus packages. The CFA holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania's economic growth."
SB 1100 - "An Act amending Title 58 (Oil and Gas) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, imposing a natural gas impact fee and providing for a model zoning ordinance." .