I know this is not Tioga Co. PA related but I wanted to share this article. It appears the landowner group has reached an understanding for a developmetal deal using GASFRAC as opposed to the current fracing in the PA regions of the marcellus. I'm very interested in how they plan to structure this deal. The article states that landowners would be participating in this venture as opposed to a straight lease. Obviously NY has had to get tricky to get any development due to the nearly 4 year hold on HVHF.



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Seems like a pricey approach for an area where there is a river handy.  It's normally considered for use in deserts.   Other negatives are that propane costs more than water, it is explosive, and it would probably have to be separated from the natural gas before it could go into a pipeline.  Plus, what would it do to the prices of propane (up?)  and natural gas (down?)?    Other than that ...


Here is another article on the proposed deal. The landowners would not receive a bonus payment and would only get a 12.5% royalty. However, the lands will be sectioned into roughly 25,000 acre sections and a sharing company (most likely an LLC with ownership being based on % of acres in that 25,000) would be created with that company being the majority owner and ECORP being the minority owner.

It all seems very complicated and I think it only works because of NYS forced pooling or compulsory integration. Either way it's a very interesting approach and I hope that it works out for all involved. If it were me I think I would give it some serious consideration. Although it would be hard to turn down a solid lease with a decent bonus payment and royalty. 


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