Anyone see the production data for the Watkins wells for Jan 2015?

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You can look it up on-line. It was posted at the beginning of April.

I wonder if Watkins wells are communicating with Neals,they are close together and Neals dropped off real fast?

Totally possible, in my view, a function however of the local geology and subject to wide variation.  Communication between wells has fascinated me for years, as has communication between units.

Consider this example:

Unit A was fully drilled and fracked back in 2010 and has been producing ever since.  Now, five years on, pressures in all the wells of A have gone down a good bit.

Unit B lies alongside Unit A.  It is completely undeveloped.  Not a lot of natural gas has moved from B to A over five years because B's shale is not fracked.  Only free gas able to traverse naturally occurring fissures and fractures has moved, during those years, from B over to A.  That's not a huge amount of gas.  Most of the gas in B is locked up within the shale and is going nowhere.

OK now it's 2015.  Along comes the gas company, they set up on B's pad, and they drill and then frac the entire unit.  What happens?

Pressures are very high within B's brand new wells.  Fracking of B has finally freed trapped gas there, which can now move from B over to A, A being at ever lower pressure with each passing day.  Depending how open that pathway is, the landowners of A are now earning royalties on gas which originated within Unit B.  It's not a bad outcome for the landowners of Unit A.  It's not a desirable outcome for the landowners of Unit B.

I was talking to someone in the oil gas bis don't know if this is a fact but he said either the DEP or the gas company can add acreage to a drilling unit because of the way the rock delivers the gas and oil.If the rock is less dense and the fracted gas moves freely through it, they feel it can migrate from further out of the unit so they would add acreage.This could all be BS I don't know.

One of the Watkins is a Top 15 well in the entire state.  Pad has had strong production.  Most likely Shell dialed down the Neal to open up the Watkins to see how it would flow, and it has delivered superb results.

Anyone else happen to notice an operator has 're-drawn' their PP lines in Tioga, due to the results of the Synnevedst well?

Or how about Shell doling out a cool 60 bbbbbb's as in Billion, to buy another operator, what budget cuts?!?

The BG Group purchase highlights Shell's shift towards the LNG business - that's the most profitable part of the oil and gas business these days. Getting gas from places where it's cheap to most places where the market value is higher can only be done through liquefaction and transport, so there's big money in that process.

For whatever reason my computer will not allow me to navigate the PA Gov site . 

 If someone could publish the Watkins well results , I would appreciate it . Thanks in advance . Joe 

 Utica wells-(10.8)-(9.1)-(18.8)

Thanks Paleface . Joe 

My bad, they only had 25 and 27 days of production, so they actually had a little better results.

The Watkins 21 well had better daily production, while the Watkins 23 and 25 wells slipped a little. These Utica tests are pretty expensive, but the Watkins 21 looks like it might be profitable even at today's gas prices if the decline curve isn't too steep. And when gas prices are higher, the Watkins and Neal wells could all be economic. Folks just need to be patient.

Sharrets-12.0,Synnestvest-10.5,Neal-5.1,Watkins-10.1,Watkins-8.7,Watkins-24.1, Those numbers are a real eye opener for choked back wells.


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