Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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 Seeing a lot of permits for Sullivan Municipalty on E-Facts.Shell must have found something good there.

Rutland/Sullivan and on South is where they have been drilling when they're adding units to maintain production.  It's a proven area and the main gathering/transmission lines are in. 


How can you determine the target depth ?     What about this one:


I think they have already targeted  Marcellus and Burkett from this pad and the 22H has me intrigued.

Thanks,  Bird.

 Send E-MAIL to ( oharris@pa.gov ) ask for the well plat package for that well.

Here's a report I just noticed in an industry publication - obviously it hasn't been confirmed, but if anyone out there has any knowledge that might relate, I'd be interested in hearing it.

Latest facts and a rumor from the Marcellus and Utica Shale

  • Shell could close down drilling in PA and Texas.
  • We heard that Shell may be auctioning off all of its equipment in the Texas and PA. Shell may be closing down all its on land drilling in the U.S. and focusing on offshore drilling.
  • As the result of this information, we called a couple of companies that have been working with Shell to see if they are still working for Shell. All companies have said that they are not doing any new work for Shell now.
  • If you’ve been following the acquisitions of Aubrey McClendon, he’s buying Shell’s leases in OH.
  • It’s important to note that the Shell business unit responsible for the cracker plant is separate from the exploration and production business unit. Based upon previous rumors, it seems that Shell’s cracker could happen in PA.


 Jack if Shell sells N .C. Tioga I think they will get a premium price for it now that they have figured out how to drill it.If Neal comes in like the Gee well they are talking about a 20 inch line.

How does this impact a time line? I'm wondering if things may slow in Tioga. Do you see a possibility that leases could expire in the next three years rather than unitizing them? I'm on Mt. top road near Reynolds road.

Remember, Shell is in the business of making money, not making gas. Tioga County hasn't been a profitable place for them to operate to date. That's why this rumor worries me a bit.

There would be buyers for the existing production, but undeveloped acreage isn't marketable right now at any price if it's not profitable to drill. Significant portions of Tioga County turned out to be no better than Potter County to the west, and plenty of large lease positions there have been abandoned over the last couple years because there was no buyer at any price. (SM Energy, PGE, Penn Virginia etc.) So yes, there's a buyer if Shell wants to sell, but probably only for selected assets and areas.

But this is all jumping the gun a bit - all I did was note a rumor that's circulating, and it may not be true. If Shell gives up on Tioga County, they're essentially saying that their entire East Resources purchase was a bust, which I'm sure they would prefer not to do.

Thanks Jim.

 That's one of the negatives with the big companys there always looking at 20-40 years from now and they talk in future as its happening today.They want long term future reserves.The C Gee well is on line and it is an absolute monster well one of the best producing wells in the state all the gas is being piped to the Palmer storage field not being sold on the open market.

 Josie there is a royalty it would be what ever the lease states.


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