Just curious...

     I am in Liberty township and a few months ago got an offer to buy my royalties for 1500 to 1800 per acre, but they would do a more in-depth look if I was serious which "mite change the numbers" slightly....even tho I am not drilled or receiving any royalties ..talked to a landsman rite b4 I contacted them and he advised caution as there will be "significant" activity in my area in the "near future"....how about it, anybody else get an offer or hear anything or see any activity here in Tioga Co. ?

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Fresh water does not have a definition in PA state law, so it can be used however a person wants to use it. 

Lu and I made a trip up the Knox road looking for the new well site.  We finally found were the new gravel had been laid down out through the hay field on top of the hill.

A year or so ago a trucker inquired at Groff's Tire shop how he could get to the other well. He was a little afraid to cross the bridge over the river. Lu and I happen to over hear him and we volunteered to show him another way with no bridges to cross to his destination. 

Granddad Ladd

Thanks Old Timer. Lu and I had problems with our vehicle and we were unable to ride around the area as we normally do.  Brakes needed attention and exhaust system too. A day of many errors. Wrong parts and extra trips to correct them.  On top of that when we stopped for gasoline, the attendant pushed the wrong pump button.  Another person got the gasoline that we paid for.  Fortunately that person owned up that he had received our gasoline.  As it turned out we were friends of his. He could have driven off with our gasoline unnoticed by us.

To avoid  embarrassment, I wont identify the gas station or the person who got our gasoline.    Yesterday was a day of comedy of errors all day long for us.. 

Granddad Ladd


Not a good report!  What can I say?  Just hope they get it all straightened out soon. 

Granddad Ladd

So does that mean that drilling operations will shut down at Painters well or others planned in the near future?

Granddad Ladd

Hope you are right OT,   Maybe trying to make Brownie points.

I had a junior Officer Leutenant  do  the "brownie point show" one time. He was shipped from one place to another almost monthly as the Officer in charge of small groups of GI's  where their own OIC'S were being discharged from active service.  He botched up a well running group of men wherever he was assigned to.

Granddad Ladd

I come here several times each day to check for new activities.  Wished I could get on the four wheeler to observe first hand the Painter well activities.  But my old bones says, "Bill, you just cant travel around the wilderness like you used to."  Maybe I should get a "DRONE with camera"

Thank you Old Timer.

Granddad Ladd

I think JKLM got all that back. And you're right - they do have most of the leases required for the Douglass unit, including a majority interest in the Douglass site itself. Not sure why Eclipse is so confident that JKLM will sell them those leases.

I think there is something recorded from Fidelity. I saw a copy a few months ago, so I assume it was recorded. And I own part of the OGMs under the Douglass site myself, actually. So I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.

I'd guess that distance might be a little short to painter well without another booster pump.   There has been a few tanker trucks moving down from the Painter well.  Eclipse trucks are not as noisy as were Travis Peakes.  Unless I sit purposely to watch traffic, I am not able to hear them all or count them.

Granddad Ladd

Nothing much going on our side of the hill.  A turkey crossing our driveway as we pulled in and a Mamma bear with three little ones have been seen in the area.  A few rain drops but forecast  threatens to drop heavy rain today on us.  finally got our vehicle repaired after ripping exhaust system apart on ruts created by large truck traffic on their way to work sites!  Looking forward to resumption of royalty.

Granddad Ladd 


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