We have property in Trumbull County and have been told by ALOV two more weeks but they have said that 3 times.  I am concerned about the length of time it is taking versus what they said it would take.  Has anyone else heard that they are promoting somewhere around $4000 or $4500 an acre and around 18% in royalties.  I have also heard people in the area  say that those per acre prices will start coming down as the companies expand into Trumbull County.  We have had interest at $1500 to $2000 per acre and 15% royalties and the ALOV proposal has more but I am not sure if it will really come true.

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I read both of the articles you offered.  it seems that ALOV is pushing to help Chesapeake monopolize the holdings rather than work with other companies to see if they can beat the offers made by Chesapeake.  Does AlOV feel they have to commit to Chesapeake because they are one of the first O & G companies to get permits?  Can't other O & G companies buy permits for the same land?


Thank you for being willing to do the research on the subject.  Unfortunately many people follow rather than do their own research.  I believe the exact same thing as you do.  If you have done the research I have done than you realize a bit better as to some of the tricks and "smoke and mirror" games that are used by the o/g companies to attain acreage.  They love these huge groups!!!! As I said before, it is much easier to conquer them when everybody in the group is sleeping quietly and they can negotiate with a selected few.   

It is amazing to me how many people are willing to follow along without ever doing more than looking at the cover of the book.  They never read what is actually in the book.  If the cover is nice then the book has to be good doesn't it?  lol They look at the cover and just say "sounds good to me."  Someone that is supposedly helping me for free says it is good, so it must be.  Why is it this TRUMBULL COUNTY GROUP has negotiated all these leases all over but  they do not even have a copy of a lease that has been accepted for all the people to read and take to their attorneys to read over or read over it and understand what they are waiting to sign?  They just want you to wait longer, and longer, and longer!  They will give you a "draft" lease but are not willing to show all the people that they are supposedly "so graciously trying to help" exactly what they will be asked to sign or the terms that they have been able to negotiate for all the other people that they "helped"?   Wake up people!!!  There is a reason that the negotiations are done behind closed doors and you have received no information.  With the state of the this country and the foreign interests controlling our economy, haven't we learned how what happens behind those doors doesn't usually benefit anybody but those behind the doors themselves?

Of all the companies out there, there is only one company that is providing people with a lease to sign and a set time length in which to pay.  Everybody else is trying to negotiate for you and tell you what the best deal is that you will get.  Do your own research on the industry and make an informed decision!


Groups are great and are necessary to gain leverage in dealing with huge companies but if they can't do so in the open, in front of it's member's then it is not a group, it is a monopoly!!!

It is my understanding, and correct me if I'm wrong, the group has recently changed from ALOV to Buckeye Mineral and then again to something else is what I am hearing. Is this true?   Why is this?  Can anybody answer this for me?  If it is such a great thing then why all the different name changes that I keep hearing about.

Exactly!  I have a friend who is dealing with a lawsuit that involves a number of corporate attorneys.  In watching his ordeal, I've learned that corporate attorneys--even if they are representing you--can be bought and turn adversarial on a dime.  They look at each suit in terms of how much money they can earn from it and don't give a rat's ass if their client wins or looses.  Ambiguity gives attorneys the power to fool their own clients.  It also enables them to handle any matter in their own interest.  That's awful when you depend on the license and "expertise" of an attorney.   Another friend advised me well:  "When money is involved:  trust no one."
 Mr. Thomas, are you by chance affiliated with wishguard? Just a guess since you seem to be so anti-ALOV. Buckeye Mineral is not ALOV. And also ALOV has not changed names. And yes drilling companies do love large groups of landowners because it is much easier than knocking on every door. That is why they are willing to negotiate better terms than most individuals get. Look at what ALOV has accomplished with every group they have organized. 80,000 acres is a huge amount of land for any driller to research and certainly takes time.  ALOV is real, has real members and is straight forward about who they are and who they represent. Patience will pay off for the fortunate landowners whom have joined with them. When you commented "Wake up people!!!" it made me realize that we were wide awake when we signed with ALOV based on their track record and not with someone who sells themselves by throwing rocks at others.
I have an Amish friend that called ALOV because they wanted to see a lease to look over and consider.  When he received a lease  in the mail, all he got was a lease that had a Buckeye Mineral coverpage with no notes, letters, or anything explaining who it was.  If ALOV is not affiliated with Buckeye Mineral as a number of people have indicated to me that they are, then they need to find out who was working with ALOV 3 months ago that was sending out Buckeye Mineral leases.
Just found in one of your replies that you represent wishguard. Clears up all the questions I had on your criticism of everyone else's leases.
I bet you have alot of amish friends.If you was really his friend you would give him the alov phone number.
I BELIEVE that 3 months ago was after ALOV had already announced (at the last Champion High School meeting I attended) that they had formed their last group as ALOV.  It only stands to reason that for those interested in grouping after then that ALOV would send a copy of THEIR lease with a Buckeye Mineral letterhead, since Bob Rae runs Buckeye and also was in charge of ALOV previously.  Sort of an option for landowners to look at since ALOV was no longer forming new groups...
You are exactly right, Ed. Trumbull County is the last ALOV group. After Bob and the board get Trumbull leased with a driller, they will be done. Bob Rea will go back to making a living with his company, Buckeye Mineral. He and his board have and still are working hard for us in Trumbull. His volunteers have also worked tirelessly on our behalf.

Mr. Banks, Have you talked to anyone from ALOV lately? I have been watching to see if there has been any other meetings but i have not seen any. The last meeting i attended was at the Champian High school> Has there been any others that you know of. I know then they put a dead line for people to sign up at RD Banks.


Yes Tom, I spoke with Bob Rea this morning. He gave me a list of dates to check availability for a meeting at Packard Music Hall to meet with the entire Trumbull Group. As soon as we confirm a date and time ALOV will notify its membership. It should be before month end. ALOV has been working hard for us and I think we couldn't be in better hands.


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