We have property in Trumbull County and have been told by ALOV two more weeks but they have said that 3 times.  I am concerned about the length of time it is taking versus what they said it would take.  Has anyone else heard that they are promoting somewhere around $4000 or $4500 an acre and around 18% in royalties.  I have also heard people in the area  say that those per acre prices will start coming down as the companies expand into Trumbull County.  We have had interest at $1500 to $2000 per acre and 15% royalties and the ALOV proposal has more but I am not sure if it will really come true.

Views: 37573

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Do you know what they are offering


Oh, But of course he does, he will be happy to tell you all about it. it is unfortunate for us as the one thing Mr. Thomas knows better than how to knock over trees and as well how to agitate people, is how skilled he is to re-gurgitate semi-accurate and twisted self serving information he was told to tell you by the Company he shills for. He has no experience in the Oil Exploration Business or Petroleum Geology, but likes to hold himself up as quite an expert. He is very good at speaking to Amish farmers and businessmen, who while they work with an eighth grade education, they try to understand the legal terms he likes to toss about as if he knows what he is saying, and getting them to sign his marketing agreement.  As the one-eyed man is king in the land of the blind, we find Mr. Thomas. So now as the timber business is in a downturn, he finds employment as a landman extraordinare.  What he lacks in business form, manners, and people skills, he gains in his stamina to carry on an argument. Adam, Please don't go away mad, Just go away.

Good Luck, Tom and sign with them as you wish just keep your eyes open wide. You have been on this site long enough to know the drill and gain information from all sides of this debate, so yes, you may of course, sign with Wishguard, its your right Tom. Please understand i am not attacking you in any way, but please spare us having to read any more post's from Mr. Thomas. He goes away, he comes back, he goes away, oh, when will it end.

James, I was just asking him what they were offering. I have been reading about all the stuff he posts on these sites and how he puts down ALOV and Bob Rea. I was just gonna see what they offered then i was gonna ask him why wishguard is leasing land in trumbull county when he says in other posts there is nothing in trumbull county. Just to let you know i have know intention on signing with wishgaurd i will wait for ALOV to get us the best lease and the fairest lease us land owners can get.

Tom, People are recieving a check for $1.00 from Wishgard. See the top content For this in discussions forum.You are making the right choice in my opinion in waiting on ALOV. Good luck!! 

Thanks Craig


Do your homework on why that is.  When we (myself and company I work for) dealt with them, we got one to... before we got the $150,000 we were told we would recieve.  It is NOT payment for the lease.  It is done so that the portion that is recorded is properly followed as it says in consideration of one dollar and other consideration.  Once you actually sign a lease, you will probably find that it is a common practice to protect the financial information that is recorded and is public record.  It is common when LARGE amounts of monay transfer like home and land purchases.  It is NOT the final payment as it will come once the property clears chain of title.

Adam, people are recieving $1.00 checks from Wishgaurd. I am not lying to Tom, or maybe I,m not telling the whole truth. Giving you a taste of your own medicine guy. There seems to be alot of unhappy folks that signed leases with Wishgard. THATS A FACT!!!

Hi James, 

I,m LOL !!! Will see you next week.

Thank you Dr. J.  You answered my question.  You really don't know if you are getting a great deal until the geologists reveal all the data.  However, CHK is spending a heck of a lot in advertising.  It makes me wonder how much is known, but is not disclosed to the public.

I think a lot of good information comes from different sources.  It is good to hear from landowners, advocates, producers, and others.  The friction that exists yields information that may not otherwise be shared.  Great job to all.

I think Bob Rea has a few of you to thank for making him so "popular."   Hello Bob.

Just heard ALOV is coming in with big offer for Trumbull.

Any details? 


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