We have property in Trumbull County and have been told by ALOV two more weeks but they have said that 3 times.  I am concerned about the length of time it is taking versus what they said it would take.  Has anyone else heard that they are promoting somewhere around $4000 or $4500 an acre and around 18% in royalties.  I have also heard people in the area  say that those per acre prices will start coming down as the companies expand into Trumbull County.  We have had interest at $1500 to $2000 per acre and 15% royalties and the ALOV proposal has more but I am not sure if it will really come true.

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Don't let the response from one company let you think that way.  



this sounds like really good news but of course the trib doesnt get all their facts --our group is trumbull county soooo im hoping we get something in the mail soon..thanks

also went onto chesapeake actual website and they have the article on there too

With Chesapeake becoming reinvolved with Trumbull county to some extent, it seems rather illogical to accept Tri-states offer of $3000...Obviously $5800 for Mahoning compared to $3000 for Trumbull is a substantial diference, especially being right next to each other.... Since Trumbull is one of the larger total acreage by county, it would make sense for Tri-state to try and get the lowest per acre amount.. I think anything less than $5000 would be a mistake for Trumbull.  If Chesapeake is getting reinvolved, I would think the offers should go up from $3000, and not stay the same. 

Here is a riddle:


What company is significant enough to take on Trumbull County and is from Louisiana?



Ron, I,m all ears. Whats up!!  Are you talking about Hilcorp?

Are they from Louisiana?

Ron, Chesapeake is from Oklahoma not Louisiana!!!

Ron, the mistake is in assuming the 80,000 plus acres in Trumbull county that is signed up with ALOV, is being bid on by only one company, and that a split-option is off the table, which could not be further from the truth. The other detail i would mention is that county lines should not and do not enter into any aspect of this geological and the recoverable hydrocarbon discovery, it is most certainly not material in regards to monetary compensation to the owner/landowner.

I would remind everyone that the price per acre is set by you, the rightful owner, unless by default you choose to be sheep and allow it to be stolen at a price dictated to you. Also you should dictate the lease provisions, not allow them to be dictated to you. This is at the very heart of what is eating away at this country, by default we as a people are content to be sheep. That was not always the case.

I joined a landowners group to have a hand in choosing the details and a vote, one per acre owned, by which i would lease, not sell, my Oil and Gas rights for cash in hand and a royalty percentage of Gross Proceeds, and to retain my Mineral Rights for everything but which could be recovered through a borehole, in a gasous and liquid form. If the group does not deliver favorable terms i am out nothing for i have gained in knowledge and will then wait for they, the Drillers to come to my door, i do not go hat in hand, asking "what will you give me? for i am in this county or that".

Ron, Enough of your riddles and rock tossing, county groups when properly administered, give the individual strength in numbers to set more favorable terms than a single person could expect to get alone. Why is it in your interest to attempt to condition us to accept a lesser amount based on county lines, among other things, or refrain from joining a group in hopes of having stronger representation? Who is paying your bills while you pluck away each day in this manner of always raising the riddles and questions in our minds of "are we worthy or not" because we live in Trumbull or the surounding counties. The counties in which you speculate in land. I always enjoy the manner in which you write but i think you would be better served to treat your fellow citizens with more sincerity.

I have hopes my group, the largest landowner group to date, will be contacting me soon with news they have monetary terms for us to vote on and which protections they have been able to arrange for us. Should it be that i am not pleased, i have gained in enough knowledge of the play to go it alone.

Either way you will not profit from it, and it seems to me this would be a distressing thought to you. Ron, I have come to regard you as a profiteer, well versed as you are, but just the same, and my patience has worn a little thin with Profiteering and peddlers and meddlers.

 I wish all of you landowners the best of luck. Be careful as all who use this site are not your friends, much knowledge of this shale play can be gained from here, but there is much at stake, as you well know.

James, Well said, you sure have a way with words that I see very much being true!!!!!!!!!!!


Whoa, whoa!  take a pill man, my history here tells you that if I knew the answer, I reveal it.  And where did I encourage lesser offers?  You refer to "you landowners" I guess you are not even a landowner, and explain the profiteering crap?  I think this waiting in trumbull is having and effect on you man, just be patient like the rest of us.  BTW, I own and manage land in Trumbull too.  Who taught you that the landowner sets the price, geeeezzzz???


And Craig, do you know the inference of "yes men?"



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