Permit applied for on Oct. 15 by Chesapeake in Perry Township Birmingham quadrangle. This well will be on St. Route 258 Newtown Road.

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Went by the parker well today and they must be fracking or getting ready to frack..Gasfrac is there and they looked pretty busy.

Theres a flare at the parker well so gasfrac must be fracking.

Any new news on the Parker well/s. I heard thru a third party that a landowner in the unit was told CHK. plans on 7 wells on that pad. They must be happy with the results of the 1st lateral!. the 3h ,or 2nd well, should be about ready for production.?

I hope so Bo...

On the other hand......lots of ALOV leased land in the area by CHK set to expire in 1 year ($2250/acre leased price) interesting to see how
that gets delt with.

Can't drill it all....too cheap of a renewal to not renew it.
landowners may finally get the ball to bounce thier way for once.

the parker 10H is now producing .. must be satisfied enough with the first well to keep drilling .. especially in tusc county .. they have plans for additional wells .. i have been told ..

A large landowner in the unit said they were gonna drill 7 wells on that pad, but the ODNR plat map only shows 5.


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