Permit on engineers report applied by Enervest on August 19 in clay township. Acreage is 153.2 acres. Looks like they will be drilling a well soon.

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Also would like to see more photos and ANY updates !

Publicity and updates from GMS I think would help the cause !

Giddy Up Infrastructure !

Giddy Up O & G !

Giddy Up USA !
This well appears / reads to me like it's an EnerVest leasehold developed (in Joint Venture by Chevron ?) using Gasfrac technology.

Do I got any of that right ?

Good publicity seems to me would help EnerVest help everyone.

Why so hush hush I wonder ?

Must have something to do with money.

Maybe it was a huge success! The "crack of the oil window code" ,if you will. But they don't want the area landowners to know. There is still a lot of unleased oil rights in the oil window. from Old  Washington to Ztown,50 miles north n south. What is leased is coming up for re-signing. With Oil prices down ,there is currently no leasing going,any offers are now 1/2 of what the used to be. If the oil code is cracked,there will be another round of leasing, this time they want it for a song and a dance!    Only reason I can think of for the Gag order.

I can agree as it seems like more of the same old landowner beatdown and as enhanced by Saudi Arabia flooding the market with their over production.

Time for our O & G outfits and our Government to stop pussy footing around, sieze the day and go all out for our Energy Independence / domestic economic recovery if you ask me.

Let the good times roll already.


BTW, I'm wondering why this this thread hasn't yet made the Forum update list that I've seen ? Maybe soon ?

Hi J-O heard that they were taking oil out and taking it to frazyburg ,i dont know if thats spelled right and dont know why they would be taking it there, this is just hearsay from a person that lives over by the well.

Thank you tmw.

Appreciate your effort.

Good luck to you and all of us.


It is a subsidiary of Crosstex Energy (XTEX)


On Rt 16,  mid way between I-77 and Columbus.

Thanks Paul, i thought i read that somewhere and couldnt find it. Also heard the gas is flowing in the dominion pipeline. Like i said its hearsay.I personally didnt hear that myself.

Does anyone have any information on any of these wells in southern tuscarawas county that was drilled, seems pretty dead on here. thanks

NO production reported for 4th Qtr? I thought someone reported oil being trucked out?  Any ideas??

I listened to the Enervest 4th quarter webcast today. They said the Nettle well peak oil rate was comparable to the Parker well in production. They did not mention any gas or oil numbers.

They said they would report the numbers later this year when the well stabilizes. We will have to wait until 1st quarter 2015 production numbers come out to see what it is doing.

Thank you kindly TM.


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