EV Energy Partners has said it intends to keep an additional 73,500 acres in eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania, at least for now. The acreage being retained totals 56,600 acres in Ohio and 16,900 acres in Pennsylvania.

The company said it intends to keep its shallow vertical-only wells in Ohio’s Clinton sandstone and the deeper Knox wells.

Walker also announced in Friday’s teleconference that his companies and a partner are developing a new plan to drill 20 new exploratory oil wells in three areas of Stark and Tuscarawas counties.

That drilling could begin late this year, officials said.

The company is seeking to locate and develop what’s called the volatile Utica oil window that drillers so far have largely been unable to tap.

The project’s partner was identified by Walker only as a privately held energy company with acreage near EnerVest’s holdings.




Could the partner be Sierra?

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Thanks TM, for putting up all the info that i dont know how to find.

TM....thanks as always for the posted information.......patiently waiting on results on any new Wells in Tusc.


more clinton not utica

some ... good news  ?

 There are some renewed hopes

We believe that we can maximize the value and the sale from our Carroll County position over the next year. There is also increased activity in the volatile oil window. Chesapeake recently drilled and brought on line the Parker well in Tuscarawas County. It's best performing oil well we've seen today.

Chesapeake has plans to further assess the oil window with two to four wells over the next six months. In partnership with EnerVest another companies, EVEP will also be drilling an oil window well beginning around October 1. As a reminder, EVEP has approximately 65,000 acres in Tuscarawas and Stark Counties.

We are actually drilling a well, starting around October 1, with EVEP, EnerVest, institutions and some other partners. The location is kind of offset of some of the other wells in the area, as such as the Parker well, Chesapeake's talked about in Tuscarawas County. And what we're really trying to do is just we're going to try some new completion techniques in that area, that are add on to what that's been done on the Parker well. So kind of in that general area of Tuscarawas County kind of in the middle portion of it.

Let me add, Kevin, EVEP and EnerVest have an extremely large position in Tusc and Stark Counties. And we need to go ahead and get this tested and more fully develop it, and then ultimately to sell it. So while we have a major study going on, in terms of better ways to complete this, we decided that we're going to proceed with this, under Mark's leadership, in terms of trying to move it along at a somewhat faster pace.



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