New Pernit for Clay Township by Enervest. No other information is listed on location of well or anything else. Will have to wait and see if this permit gets approved by the ODNR.

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Unless you are in desperate need of cash....don't sell.

Enervest is drilling in your area  and when the results are in.......the value of your mineral rights will be easier to appraise.

If it were me.....I just sit tight for the next 18 months until SE Tusc. County is drilled a little bit more.

Keep ears/eyes open for data on the Parker  and Nettle wells being drilled......and welcome to the Madness!

Hello Paul and thank you! I'm so new to this forum, I couldn't find your reply until just now. Please continue to think of me as news erupts. I'm just opening this can of worms!  Unfortunately,  it appears my mom and cousin are going to sell each of their 1/3 ownership in the mineral rights of the 100 acres. I am not selling my 1/3. They accepted $17,677 each. Thanks for your thoughts and knowledge!

I'd buy them out.....I know would offer 3K per acre for sure.

Hello, Paul. When you say "I'd buy them out" you mean "me" or "you". I wish I could. We have two college bound children heading to MSU so no extra cash and neither of them would consider land contract or gifting to me to keep in the family. Thanks for the .com referral. I will look into it!

I meant you.......


I hear ya on the college issues.....but can't say I approve of the MSU choice, just kidding.


I just hate to see a sale made in haste......

Paul - my husband is true blue / MSU so he's still wrestling with the kid's choice of green. LOL

I wish my siblings were on the same page and I have agreed to sign only because it's "two against one" and have documented my research, results and recommendations for counsel. Too bad generations of love and land boil down to this. Sad.

Has Enervest done any pad work or anything yet at this proposed site yet? The location is very hard to see from the road.

"The location is very hard to see from the road." The plat map you posted previously indicate the pad will only be a couple hundred feet from the road so should be very easy to see activity from the road?
They had it staked at one time.iam sure they we'll wait to see results from nettle well before they start.


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