It seems everyone I talk to that has 5+ acres has recieved a lease offer recent....especially on the South end of New Phila.


AIM, Sierra, and CHK  seem to be the most mentioned suitors.  Are all these companies

in competition....or just dividing up the territory?


There are 1000s of HBP acres in the area as well (no pun intended), So I suspect units are being organized and permits submitted (soon).


Where will the first well be drilled....and by Whom? 

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you are getting it!



do you know if they are carrying oil or wastewater?


Any way we can convince you to take a picture?



Well....I see 2 types of tankers...


One I belive is carrying brine wate water

The other is a trucking outfit named    Wayne Sells Corp. ...there is a middle initial, can't rember it.  Not sure what they are isn't oil.


I only see them on weekends when I'm there.... 

looks like these guys:


I can't imagine what they would be hauling if its not brine . . . maybe cuttings? 

Wayne Sells usually hauls the frac sand out to the locations in those bulk trucks.

Greenwood (sierra)  is signing a large group in the Baltic/Dundee area ...I believe you need to sign up by Monday. 



could u tell me who to contact   landowner associations  i and a few of my neighbor are interested in who to talk to that knows what is going on  ty

  we are  on Boy Scout Road just out of Dover

The OVL group (signed with Chesapeake) contact info is in my post below on July 26th).  Greenwood Associates is singing folks for Sierra.  Jason is the contact there and his number is in Paul Martinelli's August 8th post below.

I got a flyer on my door today.....Sierra  is looking to sign a Goshen Township group covering 9 Sq mile area (RT 39....Balztley Valley area) through Greenwood resources.


The lease looks similiar to the ALOV lease.....Stated terms in the flyer were $2700/acre and 17.5% royalty.


Anyone else have any info on this?  I know they are targeting more area in Tusc than this for a particular drilling unit perhaps?  Or just a ambitious landman workking the township?




I would join the OVL group lease since they seem to have the most acreage in the area.  Even though it is past the deadline, I think they are still accepting members.  Check the website:


This actually brings up a question that perhaps someone can answer.  I have 15 acres that cannot be drilled on according to the terms of the lease (the 500 ft rule) and my nearest neighbors have lot sizes in the 3-4 acre range that may or may not be in the group.  I'm afraind if they can't drill anywher near me they may deem the gas under my land unaccessable and therefore opt out of the lease.  CHK has until the end of September to do ther due diligence, so I guess i'll find out by then for sure.

Got a report this morning that a landownwer near Dennison recieved a $4000/acre 18% lease offer....the company may have been XTO..

Im in Mill Township and have recieved an offer from Aalanche for $250 per acre with 12.5% royalties and limited free gas.  Where are all of the good offers?


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