Does anyone think they will ever drill? Seems like they've been going to start for the last 2 years......wondering if they are just going to be a huge flipper?

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Sierra buckeye is a very conservative company ... they are the type to let other's to explore the Utica . My understanding there will be very little drilling in Tuscarawas this year . All you have to do is follow the trend of the drilling and see where the 50 yard line is located and than fellow the trend of these counties ...Sierra will put a few  stakes in the ground just to make there people happy ... Patience is a virtue .... so you need a lot patience with Sierra .     

I seen a post on here that said Sierra was doing some heavy equipment work at the leeper well in orange township in Carroll county recently. Maybe they are finally getting ready to drill a well this year.

I seen tonight that Sierra Buckeye transferred leases to American Energy Utica in Orange Township Carrol County. This assignment was recorded on Feb 7 2014. I believe it might be the proposed Leeper well property. Sure is looking like they dont want to drill any wells.

That makes a lot of sense... American Energy is a very aggressive... just follow them and they are giving top dollars for leases. Also they are building a office in Cambridge Ohio. and my understanding they are either putting or upgrading an airport there also .     

Did u see anything about the mill twp group?

If Buckeye is flipping leases & I have always believed that was their business model.  Maybe that is the reason for all the current activity in the Tusc Co recorders office per Brent Laner.


Are you part of the Leeper family that owns minerals in Mill Township, Tusc?  I think Sierra is going to focus on Tusc this year. 

no ... I  just follow these gas and oil companies ... don't hold breath...I was told and only one permit was issue for that county .  

I just saw that Enervest got a permit on the kleski property on 5/2/14. This property currently has 2 permits for Sierra Resources from 8/6/12. The coordinates are slightly different and the acreage on the Enervest is only 40 and depth of 5616 into the Clinton. Sierra's were much deeper and into the Trenton and Point Pleasant. Do you think this is one of the many Test Wells Enervest has been talking about? And I guess Sierra is glad to let them to do it . How will we know when it is drilled as well as the results? Has anyone else heard anything about this Well?

Where are you finding this permit at Dott? I do not see this permit in the database. The only recent permit by Enervest was for a plug and abandon permit for an old Kleski clinton well.


Thanks T M, I think I didn't understand what I was reading  and thought it was a new permit but it looks like its a permit on an existing well.


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