Many of you in the area may aware of this already if you read the newspaper.  The second well is going in on game lands on Slatertown Rd. off old RT8 near Polk. Seneca Resources is the permittee.

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Yes and if you look at the DEP web site the permit  depth is for 9100 feet, that is below the Marcellus and the Utica in Venango County  Trenton- Black River?
As Spock said, "Fascinating".  This will be interesting to see what comes from it.  I hadn't looked at the permit.
I have been around some TBR up in New York.  They were pretty impressive up there.  Has anyone from Seneca confirmed the formation they are targeting?
Does this number refer to total length of well from surface to lateral tip or is it actual "square to the world" vertical depth?
Has anyone been approached to sign Leases lately? If so, what was the going offer.


You Have A Choice

Before you sign a lease with an oil or gas company or agree to have someone “market” your mineral rights for you


Shale Advice on Oil & Gas Leases 

Understand your rights and learn how to avoid the pitfalls associated with mineral leases that will affect your land FOREVER!  Come listen to actual landowners who signed without understanding their options.


Landowner Meetings

November 21, 6:30 p.m.             

LOCATION:  Scrubgrass Grange Hall

Emlenton-Clintonville Rd,  Emlenton Pennsylvania,  16373





Cannot attend meeting on 21st.  Live in Greene County.  Is there anyway to get info from the meeting.



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