Anyone hear of any activity in Venango Co.

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No if you hear any thing lets us know it's been 2 years and would like to what's going on thanks
Thank you I sure will
Not Seneca Resources, but a landowner near west freedom told me that a land man suddenly showed up there in recent weeks. $500 and 12.5% deal. I have not heard of anyone knocking on doors near emlenton this year. Maybe some chatter about pipeline leasing.

It has been very, very quiet for about 2 years.  That was the last time I heard from a SWEPI guy.

SWEPI: Sold all of Venango County acreage to Rex Energy mid July 2014. Seneca has committed most of there drilling budget for 2015 to Elk Co. Claremont area. Range did renew a permit for Haslett #1 Venango Co. Not 100% sure but believe the pad has been installed. Looking for any info. in that area.

Actually looking around the polk and raymilton area. Mineral Twp.

Chris: Venango Co. is not the sweet spot nor a drop dead zone some where in the middle. The experimental  vertical well Seneca did in the Polk area was OK. Same with the Horizontal well Halcon did in that area. Utica is wet  appox. 1230 BTU'S shale is appox. 200' to 300' thick. Marcellus is also wet some where in the 1250 BTU range shale thickness is in the 120' range. The unknown is the Burkett could make Venango Co. a triple stacked play .Chevron has two permits for the Burkett from the Broious pad, but at this point have not been drilled. Between Range and Seneca allot of acreage is HBP. No rush to drill.

Question?? Is the reason for not drilling in Venango a political one?  Possibly too many restrictions or no incentives? Just thinking...


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