Shell is having an informational meeting for southern Venango County, Wednesday November 16, 2011 at 7:00pm, Clintonville Volunteer Fire Department, 103 Emlenton Street, Clintonville, Pa. 16372.


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Randall; send me an email at


Who are the landowners in Mercer County that were paid 3850/18.5%????   I am sure they would be happy to come on here and post with contact info???? 

Mark; sorry if you have a reading comprehension problem. I clearly stated we concluded a deal for $3850/acre. I also said our fee was 6% for all group members. Members received $3619 after our fees. The poor saps that listened to you and the other naysayers and came in after the fact had to pay an additional $77/acre.  Are you going to reimburse them for their lost monies?

If you truly want to hear from a landowner happy with the deal go to the Mercer Co web page and read the last comment on the comment wall. It is by Elnathan Cory, the originator of the Mercer Co page. He seems to be happy to me.

And why would a landowner post their contact info? They have a signed lease and are now waiting for the title work to be completed.  No need for any of them to get involved in your games.

Ok, Jim, it has been a month....what is the status of the leases signed??  Give us an update.......

"If you want to hear from a landowner happy with the deal go to the Mercer Co Web page and read the last comment on the comment wall"


We signed a lease with the group Jim has referenced and, at this point, are very happy with it.

Now, you only get one shot at this ( as far as more info from us ) or we are gone!

We have reviewed your posts - very negative or sceptical. Sceptical is OK. Negative without facts, we have no time for.

I am here to tell you we must have had ~100 hrs worth of research into this AND ARE HAPPY WITH OUR DECISION! We promote no-one. Have more to lease, may go in a different direction.

No one in this Mercer County group will be paid untill Oct - Nov when title searches are done. After 6%, Landowners get $ 3,619 / acre and 18.5% gross with a very friendly landowner lease.

I know of some landowners trying to negotiate on thier own and are coming up short in all 3 : bonus, royalties and terms.

Many times in life you get what you pay for or you don't. We feel we did. However, 5 months from now, we could be very wrong and look like the south end of a horse going north. Not going to lose any sleep - life is to short.

All I did is ask for landowners who signed the lease to come forward and tell us about the lease.  Why is that negative?  What percent of royalty (if any) of the 18.5% percent are you being charged?  What is the name of the drilling company you signed with? Is it on the lease?  Tell us about the addendum's?  Pugh clause, unit size?   What guarantee is there that you will be paid? These are honest, up front questions that should be asked of any lease. Thanks for sharing,


Here is your initial post which you interjected yourself into a post I had left for pumpjack...Read it again....Who is the one throwing the insults..."While you clowns were yukking it up"  and spreading lies and insults about your competion"    we went and got a dymamite deal in Mercer Co....$3850/18.5% no decuctions and a very good lease.

I just responded by asking quesitons,,,,,what percent of bonus do you get?  What percent of royalty do you get?  What is the name of the drilling company?   What kind of addendums does the lease offer?

You have responded to my questions with more insults....why???  Just answer the questions....I have got a lot of "Jim is a good man, he shouldn't have to answer.......




As a out of state landowner that looks on this site for valuable information, I get very tired of reading personal comments of no value to anyone else. I would suggest a private conversation, and only post on here when it pertains to helping others. 

Just wanted to add to the discussion.  My aunt and cousin both signed the above mentioned deal in mercer co. for $3850 an acre at 18.5%.  They have not yet received their up front money.  They had a joining properties near lake latonka.  But I believe in mercer county there were two competing companies and this drove the price up.  Right now I only have heard of adept signing leases on behalf of Halcon.  Formerly know as Ram energy. 


I take it they were suppose to be paid and have not been?  Please clarify. Thanks

They just signed in June. The gas company has to do the title work yet....which I am sure you are aware of and just want to plant negativity into the readers.


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