If you attend the SEOLA meeting in Beverly tomorrow can you please share some info from that? At least what isn't confidential. :-)



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I'll post up some key points.

Thanks Steve!

There is not a lot to report. They asked us that if your agreement expires by Dec. 31st. of 2012 to please re-sign and gave good reasons to re-sign. I didn't talk to anyone in our group that was NOT going to re-sign! I still need to talk to a couple more, but it looks like we are all going to re-sign. There seems to be more and more interest in this county as it heads south. They are getting several calls and emails. They had 2 meetings yesterday with 2 O&G companies. I left my note book at the meeting so I don't have my notes, but that was the gist of it.

I attended the meeting in Whipple and was encourage by the discussion.  It was my feeling that SEOLA is working to get the very best deal they can.  They are in meetings with various companies and it sounded as though a new one may be added to the mix.  Obviously there is interest in Washington County so Patience will be key to getting the best deal.  It will be beneficial to all if we stick together to keep the acreage we have and also encourage others to join the group.   Hind sight is 20/20 so when all is said and done I hope we can look back without regret.  Hmmm Just thinking with for sight maybe the should seek a 20/20 deal...(20,000/acre with 20% royalty) 

20k huh? LOL

Thank you for adding this. I'm sticking with SEOLA and do feel they are our very best bet for both bonus and protections. I do wish it was sooner rather than later though. ;-)

Does anyone have any ideas about who those oil companies may be?

How did the Monroe/Washington county meeting go last night? Anybody out there? 


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