I spoke to a rep at SEOLA today. He said they are currently talking to O&G Co.'s about their property in Washington Co. This includes the Waterford area properties but MAY not include land south of there. A rough guestimate is that there may be an offer on the table in about a month. Just FYI and nothing firm or official.


I'm sure there is still time to join this group if you are interested.




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I would think that would be a reasonable requirement by the O&G companies, ie, clear title. I would think that SEOLA does insist on keeping that within realistic limits though.

What do you mean though by "and/or sign"?

Sorry, that wasn't very clear.  If a significant percentage of the landowners don't sign the lease, the "deal" could fall through as the acreage may no longer be attractive.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up, I should have figured it out though. LOL


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