Katharine Dempsey
  • Female
  • Scranton, PA
  • United States
  • Other

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Pennsylvania, New York

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At 10:03am on November 3, 2009, Dave McNerney said…
Katharine: Sorry for the typo...that's what happens when my glasses are off. Entering petroleum geology from an environmental background presents challenges. Certain skills sets are transferable. He would need to talk with some of the E&P firms to determine needs.

Not sure, but it seems like Pittsburgh has been mentioned a lot for firms starting up Regional Headquarters.

Chesapeake has local offices, which I suspect are field support. Not sure where their geologists and petroleum engineers are located. That could be a starting point.

With all the monies recently invested in leasing in NEPA sure the drilling activity will increase soon.

Being a native from the Souther Tier of NYS that witnessed so much business leave the region I am optimistic off the long-term future of the gas industry and offshoot businesses.
At 4:13am on November 3, 2009, Dave McNerney said…
Katherine: If experience is in O&G then he should be able to find some options with "operators". If more of a consulting ( env) then support engineering firms are helping "operators' with permitting, water issues, etc.

May I ask how you are involved or interested in this market?

At 3:39am on October 2, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
Welcome to GoMarcellusShale.com (GMS). I hope this is a website where you can learn something and contribute your thoughts and experience in a blog or forum on the Marcellus Shale.

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