Colorado Fracking Votes Uphold Property Rights

Two interesting Colorado fracking votes indicate support for property rights and opposition to extremist regulations that amount to regulatory takings.

Yesterday’s election produced some rather remarkable votes regarding Colorado fracking. The state is a significant oil and gas producer. Fractivists, though, were able to get an initiative placed on the ballot called Proposition 112 that would have gutted the industry by requiring 2,500 feet setbacks for Colorado fracking. Farm Bureau and others responded with a proposed Colorado Constitution amendment requiring compensation to landowners for regulatory takings. The former was defeated by a wide margin, but the latter came significantly closer and, undoubtedly, contributed to that defeat. This tells us how to fight back against fractivists; by appealing to fairness.

The title of the Colorado fracking initiative, Proposition No. 112, read as follows:

Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning a statewide minimum distance requirement for new oil and gas development, and, in connection therewith, changing existing distance requirements to require that any new oil and gas development be located at least 2,500 feet from any structure intended for human occupancy and any other area designated by the measure, the state, or a local government and authorizing the state or a local government to increase the minimum distance requirement?

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