Delaware River Fractivists Should Be Afraid, Very Afraid

The Delaware Riverkeeper/Povertykeeper and other Delaware River fractivists are apparently very afraid the DRBC moratorium will be lifted and rightly so.

Our friends over at Energy In Depth have nailed it with their observations about the effects of a DRBC lawsuit. Delaware River fractivists of all stripes have every reason to be afraid, Seth Whitehead says, and he’s exactly correct. They’re showing their fear with one of those bogus petition efforts in which they engage from time to time whenever they want to rattle their swords.

Seth’s post needs to read in full, but are some key excerpts:

The de facto fracking moratorium within the Delaware River Basin (DRB) has been in place for so long now that it sometimes seems like a permanent ban is actually in place. So why then, seven years into the moratorium, was there so much urgency from northeast anti-fracking groups last week to push for a permanent ban? It could have something to do with the fact that the already shaky justifications for the moratorium — and the entity responsible for it, the Delaware River Basin Commission — are facing increased scrutiny.

In case you missed it, activists hand-delivered petitions allegedly including 63,000 signatures to the governors of the four Delaware River Basin states —Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware and New Jersey — demanding a permanent fracking ban.

Though these pre-staged media events garnered the attention activists desired, the underlying story here is that these groups are obviously worried the moratorium will be lifted before they can get a permanent ban in place. Here are three reasons those concerns are justified.

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