Governor Hogan Flips the Switch on Natural Gas Stance with CHP

A new CHP system designed to cut a hospital’s emissions in half and run at 80% efficiency is being touted by the Gov., even when it is gas powered. 

Energy efficiency is a constantly moving goal that we are always aiming to hit. New technologies are always evolving to stretch a kilowatt a bit further or to do just do more with less. The natural gas industry has been a head of this for years with new technologies to revitalize formerly dead wells or in a recent case study, being used to save a hospital half a million dollars per year.

Peninsula Regional Medical Center, PRMC, in Eastern Maryland just flipped the switch on a recently installed CHP, Combined Heat and Power, a system that is expected to generate 26 million kilowatt hours of clean electricity that is projected to save $415,086 in annual electrical costs.

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