Magnum Hunter Entering Utica-Point Pleasant In 2013

EID's Shawn reports on Magnum Hunter coming to Ohio to develop Ohio's Utica Shale:

"Magnum Hunter Resources is the next company focusing on the Utica-Point Pleasant formation in 2013.  The company, based out of Houston, is an independent exploration and production company active in West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Texas, North Dakota, and Saskatchewan, Canada.  In the Utica/Point Pleasant, Magnum Hunter will be developing a minimum of 4 test wells this year through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Triad Hunter, LLC.

These wells are planned in Washington, Monroe and Noble Counties.

Magnum Hunter Resources first test well will be developed in Washington County in late February or early March.  This will be the first Utica-Point Pleasant well developed in Washington County.  The Farley Pad will have the capability to host 4 separate laterals.

The original test well will be a vertical well through the Utica-Point Pleasant to look at coring and logging data.  After the data is examined and determined to have the potential to yield natural gas, the vertical well will be cemented back and turned into a horizontal lateral with a lateral length of 6,000 feet.

Magnum Hunter will be one of two companies developing wells in Washington County.  PDC Energy will also be developing a well in Washington County in 2013.  If both comeback with promising results, we could soon see more activity in Washington County.

The other three additional wells being planned by Magnum Hunter will be located in Monroe County through a joint venture with Eclipse Resources.  Magnum Hunter will be developing the additional Utica-Point Pleasant wells in combination with their liquids rich Marcellus development in the county.

In addition, during a recent announcement regarding the Eclipse and Magnum Hunter Resources joint venture, the companies announced they planned to develop twelve horizontal Marcellus Shale wells and twelve horizontal Utica Shale wells over the next three years in Monroe County.  The estimated investment to develop these wells is approximately $200 million."


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Comment by Rose Moore on February 6, 2013 at 4:29am

Thanks Anne!  Glad to see drilling starting in Washington County!

Comment by Anne Carto on February 6, 2013 at 4:06am

Rose Moore, Shawn from our team said the well should be around Macksburg in Washington County. Hope that helps.

Comment by Greg Hamilton on February 5, 2013 at 12:22am

Thanks for the information, Anne!

Comment by Charles M Hall on January 31, 2013 at 4:25am

Triad Hunter has been drilling Horizontal wells on Ormet's property for 1 or 2 years now. The wells on Ormet's property are horizontal marcellus but they have had a rig in the area for a few years now (at least off and on in the area). No surprise to see them switch to the point pleasant as well.

They just took down the rig at Ormet late last week (~2013-01-24) and shipped it out.

Comment by Rose Moore on January 31, 2013 at 12:42am

Great article, Do you know what township MHR is putting their first test well in Washington County?

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