More DRBC Deceit As It Distorts Funding and Hides Legal Expenses

Pennsylvania’s Auditor General is conducting an audit of both the DRBC and the SRBC and it’s long overdue based on DRBC deceit with respect to its budget.

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) is playing games with its budget, which isn’t the first time. Regular readers, in fact, will recall how the agency was taking money from the William Penn Foundation to study gas issues at the same time the latter was funding the Delaware Riverkeeper then suing the DRBC over those same gas issues. It was an act of incomprehensible stupidity at best and corruption at worst.

I lean toward the latter given that Executive Director Carol Collier was rewarded with a new position at the Academy of Natural Sciences upon her retirement. The Academy also depends on the Foundation for funding, so it’s been one conflict of interest and one case of DRBC deceit after another. Now, its happening again with a budget the agency plans to adopt next week.

The proposed DRBC budget for the FY 2019 (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019) may be found here and it raises on question after another. Consider, for example, this table:

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