The Life and Times of Guy S. Williams, Pipeline Welder

Guy S. Williams, a long time member and Recording Secretary of Pipeliners Local Union 798, tells the story of his life and times as a pipeline welder.

My life began on a hot July day in 1950, when I was born to the union of Billy Ray and Jean Williams. We lived in a small shotgun house on my Grandfather’s farm. It was a cotton and cattle farm, a place I thought was a little piece of heaven and, consequently, loved. 

My days consisted of going to school at a small country school, then coming home and going to the field to work until dark. I didn’t know we were poor because everyone had about the same thing. We, meaning my two brothers and my Mom, were always busy. 

We had a lot of cows, several hundred head, so consequently we were always either grinding feed or feeding cows. We would grind at night and feed in the morning and I would help my Mom milk two cows before school. This is to what I attribute my own strong work ethic.

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