Loathsome Eric Schneiderman Loses in Court and Is Forced to Resign

New Yorkers keep electing one loathsome Attorney General after another; bullies skilled in mean-spirited demagoguery. Was Eric Schneiderman the worst?

The headline last night about four women accusing Eric Schneiderman of physical violence has quickly ended the New York Attorney General’s political career. It has one of incredible demagoguery on every front, following the pattern of his predecessors Elliot Spitzer and Andrew Cuomo, both of whom used the office as platform to successfully run for governor.

Spitzer, of course, flamed out quickly when he got carried away with his power and supposed he could get away with anything. Now, Schneiderman may have done the same before he could run for governor. Once you make exercise of mean-spirited New York style raw power your persona, it seems not so easy to turn it off.

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