No Evidence of Methane Contamination from Recent Oil and Gas Drilling in Ohio

Whoa! Geologists at the University of Cincinnati examined drinking water in Carroll, Stark and Harrison Counties, Ohio, and found no methane contamination.

The Deer Creek Foundation is no friend of fracking. It’s part of the fractivist echo chamber, in fact. They funded a study by the University of Cincinnati in hopes the research would yield results verifying methane contamination. They wanted tout those results to continue their defense against a shale revolution delivering economic revival, energy security and environmental improvement across Ohio, Pennsylvania and the rest of our great nation. They were disappointed. The results showed no methane contamination from recent oil and gas drilling in Ohio.

One of our readers passed along those results from the University of Cincinnati study, which are offered below, as reported on the University’s website:

A study of drinking water in Appalachian Ohio found no evidence of natural gas contamination from recent oil and gas drilling.
Geologists with the University of Cincinnati examined drinking water in Carroll, Stark and Harrison counties, a rural region in northeast Ohio where many residents rely on water from private underground wells.

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