Wetland Training and Delineation Courses Green Building and GIS/GPS Training Courses

Wetland Delineation Training Courses and Green Design using Constructed Wetlands,
Wetland Delineation Course, Hydric Soils Training, Wetland Mitigation,
Constructed Wetland and other Wetland / Soil Science Courses

We are offering a number of online training courses and workshops related to wetland delineation.  The courses we are offering:


Wetland Delineation – Part I 

This 2-hour interactive online course describes technical guidelines and methods using a multi-parametric approach to identify and delineate wetlands for the purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This course is based upon the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual published in January 1987. Modifications and clarifications have been made to the text in accordance with regulations promulgated since its original release.

Understand the technical guidelines for identifying wetlands and distinguishing them from aquatic habitats and other non-wetlands

  • Be familar with the three obligatory characteristics of wetlands
  • Know the definition of a hydric soil
  • Know the definition of hydrophytic vegetation
  • Know the definition of a 'wetland hydrology'

This course is a prerequisite for 'Wetland Delineation Part II: Methodology'


Wetland Delineation - Part II

This 4-hour interactive online course is a continuation of the US Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual-based, 'Wetland Delineation 1: The Basics' which is a prerequisite for this course. This course begins with material covered in Part IV of the manual.

Part IV contains sections on preliminary data gathering, method selection, routine determination procedures, comprehensive determination procedures, methods for determinations in atypical situations, and guidance for wetland determinations in natural situations where the three-parameter approach may not always apply.

A Wetland Primer for Design Professionals

An understanding of wetlands is increasingly important for design professionals, including architects, engineers, land surveyors and landscape architects. This 1-hour online course will acquaint you with the changed perception of wetlands in North America, contemporary definitions of wetlands and types of wetlands found on this continent. This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end.

Upon completion of this course, you will understand and be familiar with:

  • Key federal legislation and publications that has led to increasing protection
  • The broad characteristics of wetlands and their values to human society

A Wetland Primer, Advanced: Field Evaluation & Permitting Consi... 

This 2-hour interactive online course is a follow-up to 'A Wetland Primer For Design Professionals' by the same author. Although a basic understanding of wetlands--crucial for architects, engineers, land surveyors and landscape architects--is mastered in that first course, design professionals often need a broader understanding of why wetlands play an increasingly important role in site considerations, and how they are identified. This course does exactly that, in a easily understood series of steps.

There will be a multiple-choice quiz at the end of this course.  You must have Flash Player Version 7 or higher to view some parts of this course. We also recommend you view this course in Internet Explorer.


At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Speak with more authority about freshwater wetland delineation
  • Be familiar with important federal or state legislation that must be considered during project design
  • Be exposed to the perils of ignoring wetlands during project design
  • Understand the key technical indicators for inland wetlands
  • Speak with confidence to wetland scientists, as well as to state and federal permitting authorities about resource evaluations and potential project impacts

Constructed Wetlands - Free Water Surface Wetlands 

 Constructed wetlands can be used as artificial wastewater treatment systems.  There are many design factors which affect the effluent quality from a free water surface constructed wetland.  This 3-hour online course covers the consideration of some of these factors that can significantly reduce the effluent variation.  It also provides a brief summary of expected wetland treatment performance, describes issues that are important in the design and layout of a free water surface wetland, and includes several design examples.  Construction issues unique to constructed wetlands are also discussed.  This course includes a multiple-choice quiz after each section to test your understanding of the material.


Upon completion of the course, you will:

  • Understand the performance expectations of a free water surface wetland, including expectations for BOD, TSS, nitrogen, phosphorus, fecal coliforms and metals
  • Understand the hydrology of a free water surface wetland, including wastewater inflow and outflow, runoff, evapotranspiration and infiltration losses
  • Understand the basics of hydraulics for a free water surface wetland
  • Understand the rationale for wetland system design and sizing
  • Understand the factors that influence wetland system design
  • Understand the components of a free water surface wetland system

Inland Wetland Restoration  Design professionals are often expected to understand the fundamentals of wetland creation and restoration. Today numerous projects are coupled with wetland creation or restoration permitting conditions. Fulfilling these conditions is no easy task, given that a project must meet certain criteria for success—for instance, a 75% success rate for plantings after two or three growing seasons. Further, the disquieting fact is that more than 50% of created or restored wetlands nationwide fail within a few years. New wetlands may be subject to massive plant die-off, invasions by unintended or non-native plants and insects, or are planted with incorrect species (usually as the result of poor monitoring during initial construction). Other factors can impact them as well. 

This interactive online course covers the basic parameters required for all successful inland wetland creation. It introduces a sample report of a proposed restoration project, and discusses how to approach a problem site. Finally, it wraps up with a look at the obvious pitfalls and the critical tools necessary to design a successful wetland.

This course is the sixth of an eight course series on Green Infrastructure that provides a template for design and implementation of Green Building concepts as they apply to cities and municipalities.

This 3-hour interactive online course gives you the information and action items to assess sites and identify opportunities to use Best Management Practices (BMPs) in “Green” planning, design and construction. You'll get:

  • Integrated stormwater management planning
  • Water pollution prevention
  • Construction runoff prevention
  • Surface pretreatments for filtering runoff
  • Catch basin inserts and water quality inlets
  • Detention and Infiltration structures
  • Constructed wetlands

Geographic Information Systems  (GIS) and Global Position Training (GPS) - More Wetland Training and Landscape Architect Program and Courses, University of Tennessee Certification in Sustainable Sites  


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