Al Cramblett's Comments

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At 3:59pm on July 17, 2012, Patsy A. Andeson said…

Our meeting Sunday eve. we thought went great. Jim McEvoy represented MarkWest. He had met with my husband and I earlier that week with the land agent Fred Hines.

Jim seemed very knowledgeable and satsified all of our questions. He wrote in things to clarify on the lease/addendum. All present agreed that if he would come back with the $15 a foot for pipeline and $25 a foot for damages, we would sign. He told me he would be on the phone with MarkWest in Denver, CO and would call me on Monday with results.

Monday about 11:00 we had a message from a Noel Glenn ( I think that is the correct name) from Mark West. She stated she was the project manager for this pipeline and wanted to meet with me. We played phone tag till Tuesday eve. I then spent an hour on the phone with her. Totally frustrating. Seems like we are almost back an square one.  She said no way could she pay $15 and $25. She wanted to know if I could set up a meeting, have everyone bring their drivers' license and be prepared to sign.

I told her she'd better bring her best offer, cause as far as I was concerned this was their last chance, and the total of $40 a foot had been our asking price from day 1. She pretty much said this would just pull the plug on the whole project if we couldn't sign.

Will see how Sunday goes. I told her I would not speak for the rest of the group, but we would not sign for less. I wanted to tell her that after Sunday the price will go up $1.00 a foot a day for all the inconvenience they are causing.

 We will probably still tell her we won't sign without the atty. looking it over again.


At 4:28pm on April 26, 2012, Josh said…

I recieved my prize money, bank had to hold it for 5  days based on the amount.(joke).

At 12:13pm on October 15, 2011, brat said…
Al,  Apparently have 11 free acrs to lease out of a total 133 ac.  Just don't know what happened on the HCOLG apps.  I filled out the forms, sent the donation, got nowhere fast...really thought that I would be included in the Harrison group...pretty dissapointed there.  I'm in the NW Harrison cty, Monroe twn.
At 9:43am on October 11, 2011, Paul Martinelli said…



Thanks for the information.

My background information is this:


I read up this play starting around last fall.  I feel I was caught up in all the excitment, wondered why nobody offered me a lease. I ended up signing in with ALOV.  A great lease, but as we know bonus have since gone up from the $2250.


Well, a blessing in disguise, CHK  kicked out my lease due to HBP issues.


Well...soon after signing the lease  ( in April) ,,,,Sierra Buckeye comes to town.

I find out they snathed up all my HBP leases in  deal s with local O/G  operators. So Sierra is my best fit I believe.


I been talking with them.....learning every day. Told them I won't sign lease for free acreage until we make a deal on free acreage and new terms on old HBP leases...a package deal.  I have 2 parcels....they almost connect....83 acres and 188. 


Suppose to have meeting next week with VP of Sierra ( we talked before)  to get something worked out.


What I find is that these guys are all the same...tell you anything, nothing documented/written....and won't give much information.




I realize now that I have no control over drilling just have to live with that





At 4:46pm on October 10, 2011, Oil and Gas nightmare said…

  Their lawyer them this, I am blotting out their names k?  The .... family will have to send a letter (I would send it certified with a return receipt requested) to the Dale address on the first page of the lease.  The letter needs to state that:


“this letter shall serve as notice pursuant to the terms of the lease between .............. and Dale Property Services recorded at Deed Book Volume......... Page ...........  regarding limitation of forfeiture.  This lease is cancelled, terminated and forfeited  due to non payment of the paid up delay rental.  This letter shall also serve as a demand to file a release or surrender of lease. ”

  you should do the same  but I forget all of your details...this lease has a limitation of forfeiture clause which requires 60 days notice before you can bring suit against Dale.  If dale pays before the 60 days are up, the lease is in force.  If Dale doesn't, and refuses to file a surrender or release of lease then she will need to file a quiet title suit. ( I think Dale and Chspk work together, its one of those small companies like that works for CHPK)


Can you explain to me a little better exactly what happened.. I have like so many people that have gone through this and one

At 6:46am on October 1, 2011, Aaron Resch said…

I have 14.125 acres in moorefield township, wish I had more but it is what it is.  This natural gas boom is amazing I never thought anything like this would happen


At 2:24am on September 26, 2011, Luann Hamilton said…
Thanks Al!  One of my neighbors emailed the senior landman from Chesapeake yesterday asking for the bonus to be increased, but he hasn't received a reply yet.   There are 5 of us that have adjoining land and are all in the Group B who haven't been paid.   Two of the neighbors in this Group B situation are supposed to sign with XTO today.  Not sure what to do since I only have 5 acres. 
At 1:17pm on August 1, 2011, buc booster said…
Thanks for the counsel-much appreciated, Al.
At 4:48am on August 1, 2011, buc booster said…
Will do tonight- many thanks!
At 11:32am on July 29, 2011, Nate said…
Didn't quite understand your message Al. But we drilled 3 wells by Bowerston/Leesville. Fraced one this week, the next on Wed and Hopefully the 3rd the week after. Sierra is going to Drill a test hole outside Leesville on one of our leases and get some data and they plan to start drilling out there this fall/winter.
At 7:10am on July 28, 2011, william said…

Thanks Al I appreciate that. I am currently holding 160+ acres in Harrison county and I am being approached to sign off on the gas and oil rights. I am using an attorney but as he says there is no crystal ball.

I went to Larry Piergallini's meeting Monday and picked up some information. I agree with your comments about signing for a better royalty rate versus bonus. I am questioning whether I should try to broker with a smaller company. I learned that you can spud a well on only 40+ acres. I am curious if a company would come in just for my 160+ acres. maybe the royalty rate would be better. I would appreciate your insight into this matter. Thanks.



At 12:27pm on June 29, 2011, Gary Cunagin said…
Welcome Al,  I've been following you posts for months.  It's great to have someone in the group that has a clue about what is going on, as most of us are just beginning to learn.
At 12:10am on April 28, 2011, JT said…
Sorry Al, I didn't see this message until just now.  We're landowner's in Harrison County
At 10:43am on April 2, 2011, CAM said…

Hi Al:  I was reviewing comments on this site as my sisters and I own some property in Ross county, down the road from State Lake area.  We have been contacted by Chesapeake regarding gas.  I'm trying to get educated; however, I noted your last name and wondered if you had any relatives from Steubenville?  We had a family with your last name a few doors down...just wondered?  Thanks.

Christine Yanch McBride

At 12:59pm on March 27, 2011, Nate said…
Thanks, yes we're going down to the Clinton
At 11:14am on March 26, 2011, Nate said…
We do not own any drilling rigs. We contract all our drilling. This week we will be starting on a well off 151 west of Bowerston.
At 11:10am on March 26, 2011, Nate said…

There are some people on this forum who have the head so far up their rear end I thought I would help by giving it a good tug out. Anyway... I agree with you that chk is going to flip their acreage. Here is how they usually do it. Get a boat load of acreage in a new play, check. Drill some wells around that acreage and do flow tests on them, almost check. Announce their findings and take what they say these test wells make and inflate the value of their acreage. The go pimp their play to the chi-coms or the Indians or anyone with a sack full of cash to come and pay them 3x+ their leasehold costs and CARRY them for half of the drilling.


Hell of a business model, but I personally wouldn't want these shysters on my property or their foreign partner. In our company's dealings with them they are shady they try and value our assets for junk and buy us for nothing. They take forever paying people who have made deals with them. And they aren't afraid of reniging on a contract as they did to the producers and landowners they leased in Michigan a year or so ago. So If I had a decent choice I would not be a partner and lease with them. (I did buy their stock though, lol).

At 9:05am on March 25, 2011, Nate said…
Thanks Al, Good to hear from you again. Every now and then you just gotta raz people. Keep them on their toes... haha  So did you ever make a deal on your acreage? Where was it again?
At 4:22pm on December 20, 2010, Dan said…

Good to hear from you Al.  Merry Christmas to you guys too.

At 3:02am on December 15, 2010, Dan said…

Al, I haven't seen any posts from you lately.  You doing ok?

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