What are the pros and cons regarding permitting seismic surveying on your property? If you are currently under lease or are not, is there a difference?

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I own surface rights only! The first company stated there would be no blasting on my property. They would only

cross it. I rent as a summer cabin. They did in fact blast while I had guests and I had to refund there money

because they left.(No WONDER) Now a company from Texas wants permission but they stated they also would

not be blasting. My certified mail to their ridgway address came back UNRECEIVED!. Contact a Lawyer as they

are not honest companies.There could be issues with water wells and cracked septics


If you are  currently not leased, it may not be in best interest to have a survey done.  If they should find anything negative in the formation data they get..it most certainly will not be shared with the landowner.  This may hinder you from negotiating a good lease in the future.  The survey data is often traded or sold to other gas companies.  The amount of money the landowner receives for the survey is minisquel...enough for dinner out maybe.


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