Ever since this forum has changed there has been minimal communication in the Monroe Co group.   All other counties have great response and discussions.  What has happened here?  Has the companies stopped signing?   Has everyone already leased?  It would be nice to know what is going on and what is happening.   I miss the daily updates.

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I guess it all depends as to who you are talking too, but I have companies asking me to find landowners in Monroe County who want to lease and most importantly want to have a real drilling coommitment within 12 months or less. Lease sign on bonuses are immportant, but your primary priority should be on royalty and drilling commitment, since the lease bonus money will eventually be gone, but a monthly royalty check will not for 40-50 years. Over time, you will see the best investment is to get wells drilled and producing day in and day out.

Thanks James.  Looks like you are the only one talking in this group.  I'm still at a loss here....

740-491-8709 mobile or 330-272-0004, feel free to give me a call anytime. Thanks, James

Theres still alot of acreage not signed in the Adams township area.  Several  people didnt go with the LA group and are still  looking at options.  What companies are you talking about.  I havent been contacted by anyone for awhile.  Its been very quiet.

There's a lot happening down on the riverfront. Specifically in Jackson and Lee townships. The Riverfront Landowners Group is moving forward with sign ups at Marv's Place on Thursday from 10:00am to 4:00 pm. We are represented by Jennifer Garrison and her team that includes Dr. Bob Chase from Marietta College. If you want to talk to someone about signing up your property come down to Marv's Place Thursday. We have focused on Jackson and Lee townships and have many sections that have great denseity that will be attractive to producers. We are also wanting acres that border Jackson and Lee townships so we can fill out some more contiguous sections. Now is the time to sign up so you can be put on the map because there are companies looking for high density contiguous acreage.

Brandi (and Bob), we too are in Beallsville.  We are in Sunsbury Twp, is that where your grama is too?  Yes, Gulfport has moved on rather quickly I must say.  At this point we are still with a group (Des) from Beallsville but nothing has come out of that either to this point.  Like I said everyone stopped talking on this forum.  It is beginning to be very frustrating.

Not quite familiar, is she on 800?

Ok well keep on the forum and if I hear anything I'll let you know and you do the same.  Hope we will both hear something soon!

We had the same experience with Gulfport - a few of our neighbors signed and some didn't.  So honestly I have no clue what is going on.  There are quite a few experienced knowledgeable people on this site, maybe some will pop up and give us some insight.

Know exactly where you are talking about now.

Wheres XTO, Exxon Mobile, Phillips.  have they left the area?  Any information would be appreciated.

Bob, Vivki & Brandi, I understand they have left the area at least for the time being, there is a post by Brian Haffey in Belmont county under leasesin Pultney twp, he states he spoke to Exxon headquarters and was advised the info Mark Leeds posted was not accurate & that they were done leasing for at least the rest of this year.

Reply by Brian Haffey on November 28, 2011 at 6:43pm

I got a call today from XTO Energy in Fort Worth TX, They informed me that they are Done leasing for the year. There were no specifics and I asked Mary at XTO to follow up on some of the claims and terms reflected lately in these forums.


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