Oil industry study shows production and injection wells can trigger earthquakes.

Oilfield Review: Seismicity in the Oil Field 

Publication: Oilfield Review

Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Publication Date: 06/01/2000

In some areas, seismic activity, better known as earthquakes, can occur as a result of oil and gas production. In this article, we review the modern history of human-induced seismic activity, and present the findings of a recent project to monitor injection- and production-related seismicity. Scientists in Russia, in a cooperative project with Schlumberger, are analyzing the seismic energy recorded during these events to extract information about the reservoir, to more fully characterize the state of stress in the field and to optimize the recovery of reserves.


Induced Earthquake Bibliography

Oil and Gas Production Induced Earthquake References


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Fascism, a word the left loves to throw around. Howard please show me how you can link fascism and capitalism. In fact the very definition of fascism is proof that our current handling of this industry is fascistic. But please prove me wrong.

Communism, and Marxism words the right loves to throw around to discredit anyone who doesn't fall in line with their way of thinking.   My point was name calling does nothing to further your argument it just makes you look defensive.

Didnt call anyone a communist or Marxist. Just would like to know if a fascist capitalist is possible.

I discussed this with some land owners down in Perry County they said even if was true so what? Seems as they still have tires axles and Springs on their trailers! God luv um

I agree that  regulation is needed but buy the same government that is so set upon the idea of Green Energy they will waste our taxes as in the case of  Solyndra $535,000,000.00 at the tax payers expense. Of a regulatory orginization that we can not elect? Of a regulatory agency that cares nothing about putting people out of work? The same EPA that forced the oil companies to use mtbe that has polutued more water than all well accidents combined (in the mainland US) ?  The EPA needs oversight not cheered on or we will be all unemployed and find the EPA complaing because we don't not have a pot to ? in.

Find the answer if you can, but with the thousands and thousands of hydrofracked wells in the US the examples shown by the anti fracking movement is on about the same level as the anti smoking cartel is in trying to say second hand smoke will kill you in a minute! 


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