Just was curious to hear of any activity going on in Venango county.  Anything from talks of leasing, to actually signing on the line of a lease. 

What have the offers been for potential leases?  Any good addendums you were able to negotiate?

Has anyone heard how the completion went for the Seneca Resources well?

Hopefully 2012 will hold a lot more activity for this industry founding area.

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This is not an offer from any one company, sorry I didn't make that clear. We will go over what terms are in a standard lease, what loopholes to be aware of, and how to close those loopholes.

There are several companies active in Venango Co and a couple more are taking a serious look at it. Landowners need to fully understand leasing to negotiate the best lease possible and protect their rights and the land itself.

I just heard that Shell is no longer actively leasing in Venango County.  What other companies are still leasing?

To take Jason's question one step further, who is leasing and paying at this stage of the game?

sounds like you need to get your ducks in a line before this meeting...

might want to talk with Jason Bablak for one...

I talked to 2 shell landman last night and they stated that shell is no longer offering leases in Venango County.   They are now concentrating on Butler County. 

Shell is not the only game in town but these are good questions.  Come to the meeting and hear what we have to say.

I hope someone can post some of the information after the meeting. I am not able to get there tonight, but would be interested to hear who else is interested in leasing

Seneca, Range and every lease flipper east of the Mississippi. 

Are either of these companies looking for land in Cranberry Township?

Jason I think your property is close to ours, have a very landowner friendly lease ,hope to close on it this Friday send a friend request to talk.

The seismic trucks were out today on 322. Wonder how long it will be before we see any results from this testing? With Shell moving out of the area, that is a big player to pull the cards from the game. I wish that the price of natural has would trend more like that of oil instead of a lead balloon...

Shell has pulled out because they have spent their budget for lease acquisitions.  There are other companies interested.  They wouldn't still be doing seismic if they weren't interested.

The attorney at our meeting said they have gotten several inquiries about Venango County. The siesmic studies must be getting good results. Look for some new players to surface this year.


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