
When asked about the suggestions by some people in online forums of the potential impact of fracking fluid, Kacprzyk said the composition of such fluids in Pennsylvania wasn’t known. “My guess there is if you don’t know something, is that there’s no scientific proof to that. … I would find it amazing that it had that kind of effect,” he said.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/02/10/pennsylvanias-purple-squi...

omg not purple squirrels whats next chartreuse ground hogs.... 

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Read it in the paper this morning knew somebody would blame fracing.....

I saw something like this when I was in college

can't eat those wild mushrooms anymore........

purple a cute color it will make them easyer to hunt lol

taste like gummy bears....

purple squirrel? must be a moderate squirrel.

Oh no Big Foot will have competition now the Purple people Eater, prefers anti frackers with frack water  as a chaser to get rid of the bad taste!

hahahaha. irrational exuberance combined with bad judgement and bad company.

Ya ever cleaned a squirrel? Might be was was very very lonely and it kind of spread.

my fav... *grin

Hey - I like pickled eggs and I'm not turning purple!

Maybe the squirrel got inside the Willy Wonka candy factory and ate something he shouldn't have.

So that's why my daughter dyed streaks of purple & pink in her hair - fracking fluid influence...!!!  lol


You guys are evil for laughing at this poor rodent.....................it can happen, we are destroying our world by being greedy for energy.  Stop fracking now before we all die!


For some reason my big toe is itchy all the time......it started when I passed by this little clinton well on the east side.  Also, my hair is starting to get a little grey, it must be because of Halliburton. 


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