My bet is it will be upon the landowner! 

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Yes, I was in the Noble County group that signed with Eclipse Resources.

All veteran energy states tax their energy resources heavily and use the money to keep other taxes low.
Texas charges a 7.5% severance tax on  natural gas and has no income tax.
Oklahoma charges 7.1%.
Alaska charges 25% to 50%.
     It has no sales or income tax, and has stashed away $41 billion for the future by taxing energy.
North Dakota  charges 5% to 6.5%.
Of new boom states, only West Virginia  has a substantial tax , an old natural resources levy, a little       above 5%.
My Pa governor and legislature gave the farm away with their impact fee of less than 3%.
This is the biggest corporate giveaway in Pennsylvania history.
Working families will be left with the brunt of the taxes, while corporations will get off free.

  Perhaps a environmental export tax to states like NY that don't want drilling but want gas would be better! 



New York environmentalist are  diligent in questioning new  procedures such as fracking.

        A vigorous debate will produce regulations that  will help our nation. 

Gas companies admit  there are many liabilities related to fracking that need resolution.

  Here's one you might not be aware of :

How much methane leaks into the air as a result of fracking?

       Incredibly, nobody knows.

            It is critical to know the answer. 


 Someone feeling wronged is like someone feeling thirsty.

         Don’t tell them they aren’t.

                                                        Sit with them and have a drink.


You would probably be more shocked if you look up how many NG utilities have documented small pipeline leaks in cities.  With NG prices so low there is no incentive for them to repair or update the lines. 

A gas leak rate higher than 2.5 percent makes  Natural Gas dirtier than coal.

 tk do you know what the definition is of a vegetarian is according to Indian lore? A  poor hunter. Gist of it, are we going to kill off  every living thing, cattle elephants, deer, dogs (mine is a killer) that creates methane gas? 

Back then didn't they throw a few into the volcanoes now and then to settle the god of methane? LOL

tk  the working class pays the taxes for the rich we always have, be it TAX the landlords we get rent increases, Tax a farmer for $50 a head for cow farts we get a  stinky high priced big mac, Tax the trucking companies we get higher freight prices.

 I am totally against a government that believes that taxation is the primary answer to all of the peoples needs. We do not see a government that is looking for a cure for problems but one that creates more problems to justify their existence such as the EPA. 

 e have a Department of Energy that has been around for decades but to this date does not have a national energy policy. I WOULD FIRE EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! We have had a  National Immigration Service that has not functioned for decades. I WOULD FIRE THEM ALL or provide them with daily quotas to meet for export of illegals.  That would be a start. 

gale Might I say that your tone is rather hostile?  Hidden taxes called fines, Big Bad Tobacco gets fined and cigarette prices goes up to pay the fine that the government gets that to me is a hidden tax with the poor paying that hidden tax called a fine. EPA fines the power company and we see the AEP trying to increase rates. 

 Anytime anyone sets a price in order to make a profit and are operating on a budget and the cost to make that product, to market the product, comply with added regulation they increase the cost of the product, fairly simple.

  In case you do not know it transportation trucking has a fuel surcharge that is added to the cost of the freight that the consumer pays for. 

  I did not say the rich does not pay taxes they do however enjoy the capability of reducing the taxes they do pay by shifting the tax to the lower class.

  I am far from a occupier! But I will say I believe a flat tax on income with no deductions with no hidden taxes, excise taxes, user fees as a form of tax I would enjoy seeing. It makes no sense to me to see one work overtime at time and a half and end up with less per hour than straight pay. 

 Buy the way I am PUBLIC ENEMY N0 1. I am a Nam Vet, I own guns and Sarah Palin autographed my Vet hat!  I request you back off.

gale a veiled threat? Your a little extreme to say the least. 

 As to the problem in this country I view spending by the government to be a bigger problem than taxation. 

 Now since you quick to insult people may I remind you that I back a fair % of taxation. If you make $10,000 a year at say 15% you pay $1,500 if you make $100,000 you pay $15,000. Under your system it allows people like Romney to pay a far lower percentage of his income than say a worker making $50,000. 

  If I knew I was going to make say $300,000 in a bonus lease under a fixed percentage  I could kiss  say $45,000 of it in taxes over and done with, that I can live with. But to see people having to create ways to avoid taxes tells me something is wrong. 

  401 Ks I didn't like the idea of in the first place! If you pay taxes once on your income that should be it but if that income is used to increase beyond the income first realized then that becomes additional income but again only tax upon the new income. 

  No where did I say no one should not have to pay taxes! No where did I say tax the rich only. 

  I really don't know where your coming from and truthfully it sounds like your the one that is trying class warfare. 


Did I say I approved of capital gains tax, NO, did I say I approved of a estate tax NO WHAT DID I SAY A FLAT TAX ON ALL INCOME WITH NO DEDUCTIONS. If you want to have 5 kids be my guest but don't expect me to pay for them.  Now for you information as a Nam Vet who in the H do you think I voted for and by the way I was USN! Now you want to hate Obuma be my guest. I would rather vote for a Ross Perot myself! 


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