Our land is located  6000' from a well site that did a bore excactly in our direction. The company, Endless Mountain Energy, states they only drilled horizontally 4700'. My question is how far out from the bore hole does fracking extend? EME does not own our mineral rights and I was wondering if the fractures might extend under our property. Is there any way to find hard evidence one way or the other? Does anyone know how far fracturing cracks may travel?

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Not sure which State you are located in.

Not sure whether you are referring to a Marcellus well or a Utica well.

I believe the following to be correct:

In PA a well bore can be no closer than 330 feet to a property/unit boundary.

In Ohio a well bore can be no closer than 500 feet to a property/unit boundary.

Not sure about exact limit for WV.

Now those are the legal limits.

In reality, (my understanding is that) for Marcellus wells the horizontal well bores are directed in an azimuth such that the well bore will intersect the J2 jointing within the shale.

Fracing tends to stay vertical (within the Marcellus shale) and radiate out preferentially perpendicular to the well bore horizontally (within the Marcellus shale) along the J2 jointing.

In any case, at 1300' "in front of" the terminus of the well bore, the closest that the fracing likely got to your property was 1300'.

Hopefully, you too will soon get your own well(s); until then, you can sleep well - no one has "robbed" anything from underneath you.



You can figure out how close the bottom hole location of the horizontal bore is to your property line if you have the well plat. Use the latitude and longitude found on the plat in Google Earth which you can down load for free, use the ruler in their tool bar to figure out how far from your property line the well bore in question ended.

We had a situation similar to yours and by checking things out and asking questions we found that we had 14 acres pooled into the drilling unit of two well bores that fell very close to our property line.



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