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But are not going to be free of the dependance on those countries...many of them own much of the leases in the USA...many.   And these leases may go on forever...and China, Russia, Asia, France, India, even the Saudis...own a great percentage of the leases already.   No the dependence will stay but in a different way and they will have the rights to our resources....that is a great concern.   I will put a link here...and there are more topics about that here at gomarcellusshale.

and if you look at the list at the link at the discussion you will see what companies are involved and looking online you can find who sold what leases abroad or even here.

Jim you are right with your statement about the animals on the highway and lets say your right 

with your estimate on the life expectancy of the animals , but your not ,using your numbers not 

mine anyone that has a contaminated water system should say fair well to there loved ones and friends in oh 5 to ten years if they are lucky - your numbers .Maybe you should  do some research Jim and educate

yourself on the effects of what can and does happen when this kind of event happens if not reclaimed in a timely manor  . This one Jim I already did the research on with out you telling me too . I built a retirement home near one of the dump sites before it was a dump site and now I will never be able to live there because of that darn contaminated water and soil .BOO WHO .

Oh I almost forgot I also had been feeding the wildlife on my farm before the dumping for over 5 years and within a month the deer started dying off , Wait I know why silly me the animals  cant read a calender .I'll bet next time they will get more educated .

I have been by well pads - sites and am very impressed with the care that the deep drillers 

are taking to protect the surrounding land and wild life"TOP NOTCH" ! Accidents happen it's how they are dealt with . 


See what I mean...that is why I found this discussion and what Ridgeman posted so it has been  like speaking to a smoker these days that is insistant that their smoking isn't hurting anyone ...when anyone mentions that more pollution controls should be implemented. ...rather than agreeing and showing a desire to improve.  

Jim know better.   I know that animals are killed daily in our world...but the fact that an oil company will admit that 'human error' is involved and that we all must really refreshing.   Evidentally you haven't saved a wild creature such as a deer or hurt bird or helped in getting one some help...cause all of sudden they are not just a population that we can't care about...when helping one then you see that their life on earth is just about as important as ours to them....though they don't know us...but we have the intelligence to seek ways to help them and yes it helps in population control (if you want to think of it that way)...but why taint your water to reduce the deer population? or even the racoons or possums or beavers?   why not seek ways to avoid pollution?   In the case I mentioned about Towanda that was a human error...could they have done better?   yes.   that is why I mentioned it.     In your line of work...hearing about an oil company spilling or leaving cans like in the pictures...means money and litigation for the oil company..   so you are not going to like having that exposure and I can understand that ...but to say to me that I don't have a grip on like telling an ex=smoker that I have no idea of what I am saying when when I say it is good to admit that smoking is a problem and needs addressed.

If you look at this link....and think well we cannot afford to have a guy stand out there and shoo away these creatures if they get near any problems that arise...and if you can actually look at this and say that they die anyway every single day.....without saying to can I and my company and other companies continue to press forward to do our very best to eliminate these kind of problems for these little critters depend not only on me but everyone else...all under GOD's divine eye of wondering what He really gave us ...was it worth it for Him as well?cause He made all things it says for His enjoyment..and evidentally ours as well.

now if you cannot click on that...then you are not ready to face the real problem and we on this earth that depend on the oil companies to recognize the problem and even care...should not be trusting the oil companies to continue to damage our earth.   They must care and do something or it will not last that long...there is a Maker and He does have rules.

Ozone layers cannot be replaced...yet people that understand this have trouble being heard.

Our planet cannot afford the non-caring of the oil companies to continue to raze across our precious lands and natural resources with the attitude of we cannot afford to have a guy stand out there and shoo away the deer.....get back into we can afford find better ways to improve and want to do so.


And if you cannot and others like about them...and even us humans....then I sure hope that one of the penalties that our government uses on the next spill or pollution of our environment that affects these wonderful little creatures that happen to somehow arrive with the humans on the same planet...then I hope that you and others will have to get the Dawn detergent out and clean them up...maybe a walrus will kiss you for doing that...or a penquin...doubt a fish though.   Really Jim, this is reality...perhaps you will get the opportunity to help in clean up some day or even rescue an animal that can't even thank you for doing such.

I think the best way to combat these problems is to establish a bond. Every well should have a state mandated environmental bond. If the company contaminates a pad/property, this bond would pay for the clean up. If they complete a perfect well, the money is theirs. This would satisfy the landowner, anti-fractivist & the drilling company. If they are worth their salt (pun intended) they will prosper. Everyone concerns are considered with such a process.

David, that sounds  a good idea.   but would that keep smaller oil companies out of the pie persay?   I mean take a look at the costs of the fines today compared to years ago...

would they be disqualified and the big guys get the pie...just because of the bond outlay?

And if the bond is returned what does the local government have for future problems...but I think your idea is perhaps that could be a way to promote a better effort cause they can get the bond money back.    pls do work more with that idea...or government does need our help even in ideas....

Yet look at the penalty could they afford paying a bond fee per well?  maybe they can.


This would probably shut out the small companies. Can we, as landowners, trust any other system? I for one want every dollar on a lease, but not at the expense of giving me unmarketable land. Imagine having to hold a property because someone contaminated it so severly that nobody would buy it. Takes a big bite out of the royalties. This also eliminates the negative side of a poorly written lease. It protects everyone in the game, including the good drillers. The drillers have nothing to lose if they are being conscientious. Even the politicians would have cover "We have an environmental bonding process to ensure the credibility of the system".

David that is one of the big things that has been on my mind . The dumper and others don't seem to put any value on my farm , now if I were ever to sell my it I would have to disclaim the event of the dumping and i'm being told that there is no way to figure out the loss.For sure it would not be worth what it was before the release of fluid .

Great idea David .

VG... you couldn't be more incorrect as to your assertion regarding CHK and Towanda Creek.  There was no "human error" involved as you stated.  The spill occurred as a result of a failed wellhead... a mechanical failure, not a human error as you allege.  CHK did not hide from the event, nor did they disclaim responsibility.  The following excerpt reveals that the elevated levels of chlorides (salt) and barium were found to be inconsequential

Chesa­peake paid $190,000 as part of a con­sent order and agree­ment after the oper­a­tor lost con­trol of a well head dur­ing hydraulic frac­tur­ing of the Atgas 2H Well in Leroy Town­ship, Brad­ford County, on April 19, 2011. Flu­ids from the well mixed with rain­wa­ter and entered a nearby unnamed trib­u­tary to Towanda Creek and Towanda Creek itself.

On April 20, DEP detected lev­els of total dis­solved solids, chlo­rides and bar­ium that were higher than back­ground lev­els at the mouth of the trib­u­tary, where it enters Towanda Creek. Sub­se­quent test­ing fur­ther down­stream and on the fol­low­ing days showed these lev­els returned to nor­mal back­ground levels.  EP has been on site all day and we are sampling the tributary and the creek and eight private water supplies."

Gresh said DEP has found "no impact to aquatic life, but no results have come back for the well testing yet."

Bottom line... the industry isn't perfect, but the incidents you point to are not the "Armageddon Events" you paint them to be.  Millions of birds are killed annually by Wind Turbines, thousands of deer are killed daily by automobile traffic, an entire quadrant of Tennessee was contaminated when a damn holding fly ash from spent coal failed... s__t happens.  It isn't limited to the natural gas drilling industry... I'm just saying don't view the natural gas industry myopically... put it in perspective and don't try to hold the natural gas industry to standards that you wouldn't expect any other industry to be able to achieve. 

I hear you Jim....and I appreciate your wisdom rather than the saying ' get a grip on reality' part.

Yes millions of animals and other critters have been destroyed because of accidental situations that most likely cannot be prevented and annually this happens. 

But what i am speaking of is how can the oil companies start doing better towards helping get the companies that are not following good logic and rules out or at least in conformance and safety standards rather than put that burden entirely on the local authorities.   Like Ridgeman said he just got fed up with the blame on the whole industry and decided to tell others that it isn't the industry desire to have with the photos on his website.

Now if you picked up a telephne and called someone that you may know and asked them to get involved would they just say, 'hey, they have their county authorites , i don't have time to get involved."   or would they say, "hey Jim, though I am busy ...I am tired of our industry getting the blame for this stuff when we are trying our best to do better...sure, I'll call someone to help solve the problem".    That I think is what Ridgeman is doing here with discussing this...he says they still haven't solved the problem.  ...and he is asking for help.   YOu see, the sooner someone does resolve it ...the sooner no more deer get injured or any other critters that go to that site.  That's what I mean about caring....when one can do something...Ridgeman has done all he can, now who can pick up that burden now.

and David...we actually do not know the politics and how far these oil companies go to put each other out of business.   Some things are caused by neglect, employee error, and some are intentional.   It all goes to the fact that the oil companies are expanding faster than they can oversee and quality wise honor in each installation to get it to a producing well. 

  If the states would really consider that the infrastructure needs to be more organized before a company can go in and place a drill site...such as our other discussion here at present on unit size....some of these companies are so worried about getting the lease 'sealed' persay for extension...(and personally I think that is where the real problem is) that they have too many arms stretched and having too far growth in all their aspects of even is stretching the indiv. states in how to deal with the impact of such a 'rush' of people, trucks, equipment  into each state of the marcellus.   there was no plan in place incorporating the individual community that involved a real focus of all aspects of the drilling process and maintenance with the community they could inform the landowners.  The land groups and the gas/oil lawyers didn't start arriving til many of the low ball leases were made.

  Going to the table at that picnic with 5 plates to eat and worried that the guy next to you might take some off that plate while you get a you ask him, how about watching my platefuls and I'll even bring you a beer....then you get back and what do you see you are missing one plate but he's already sitting next to you...and to avoid problems you hand him the beer.   You see they clean up after each other, but they don't really trust each other...cause they know each other.

Now we know what really started it was trying to fill the plates faster than the chef could see what he needed to have for the meal to have enough....and that there wasn't some ORDER and CONCERN for all at the table and in the kitchen.

Yet now what?   ....some say it is up to the oil companies.   well, they better hurry and make some good changes cause they are the reason the cook is charging more for the plate.   I say they get back to putting production where the people are waiting..and put more emphasis on cleaning up one room before they mess the next room.   And stay focused on improving the quality as they do so...

in the early 1900's does anyone remember the oil company putting in 5000 wells and flaring them often and paying fines while they were flipping leases and only doing production on about 500 wells?

Sound familiar...well it is about time to get focused on the pipelines and production...before the investors get upset also...then the oil companies will wish they had done something to increase production without using the flipping of leases to pay the investor his interest.  Cause they will have landowners, lawyers, community leaders, state and captial hill representatives, and investors from here and investors from abroad....calling them, pushing them, and some will go out of business cause the cost of natural gas needs to rise.   Cause the more they focus on the sales of those leases eventually it will be called.  It was for the ponzi scheme of the mortgage situation (house of cards..hulu).  eventually someone has to pay up.   And they made quite a few landowners angry with them at cheating them to begin with with their low paying not yet receiving royalties leases that they did in the early and mid 2000's.   Actually they may embrace a bond system, they may need managed.

No the pictures  are not from the marcellus or the utica , this post was to inform landowners that are seeking to lease there deep minerals to beware of this outfit that got me .

The formations were the Gordon , Berea , and the 30ft sands shown in the pics .

Thanks for clearing that up Fang .


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