
Does anyone think eastern Ohio has enough Marcellus shale to worry about when drawing up or revising a lease? I know or was told it thins out coming into eastern Ohio (columbiana county) and is there anything that in time above the Marcellus or below it that may be worth something later?
If I revise my lease I might fight to have it say only from the queenston down since right now it says all except coal, gravel, etc. but I'm not sure it's worth it and if it would be better to try and get some other change. What I have no idea yet.

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Belmont County has one producing horizontal Marcellus well, the Boan/Marcum 2-1 unit. Looking at the production report, it appears that well may never pay for itself.



This well was a "science" well when the Marcellus in Ohio was still a "stealth play" by EOG Resources. The frac was less than a million gallons and the lateral was short. If done by current techniques, say, 10 million gallons and several thousand feet on the lateral, the results would have been much more in line with other recent results in other states and probably would have been wet, like the Magnum Hunter wells just across the Ohio river in West Virginia. That may be the reason the Ormet 1-9H, which was drilled and completed by todays standards, has been a "tight hole" on it's initial results. It would not be very smart for the oil companies to brag about a possible "double play" in eastern Ohio until all the land was leased or held by production.

I have wondered , for some time now , why all the emphasis has seemingly been placed on The Utica lately , when  , initially , The Marcellus was the focus. There will be other plays exploited in the coming years as well , you can bet on that! These O&G Companies , IMO , have an immense amount of foresight and do NOTHING by accident. There is a method to their madness , to be sure!

Talk about older and what new might do? Look at this vertical well!


Logging Co. Appalchian Well Surveys, Timco, Inc. Core No. Sample No. API Well Number 34089257360000
Log Types Gamma Ray-Neutron,Density, Perforating Depth Control, Perforating, Gamma Ray, Radioactivity, Neutron, Gamma Ray, Radioactivity, Caliper, Casing collar locator/Gamma ray, Resistivity, Density, Spectral density, Slim hole density, Vari Permit Issued 2/26/2002
County LICKING Township UNION Quadrangle MILLERSPORT Zone S
Section 10 Lot 15 Tract Twp. Qtr.
Surface X 1998602 Y 711346 Bottom X        Y         NAD27
Surface Lon -82.504986 Lat 39.953077 Bottom Lon Lat  NAD27
Surface X 1967136 Y 711383 Bottom X Y  NAD83 SPS
Measured 960'NL & 1090'EL OF SEC. 10 (T17N-R18W)
Prop TD 4500 Class POOL Tool RTAF
Landowner SMITH-SLATER Acres 40 Well No. 1 Date Commenced 4/13/2002
Owner BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO Well No. Date Completed 4/19/2002
GL 905 DF KB LTD 4132 DTD 4146 PB Depth Date PB
IP Natural IP AT 30 MCF & 130 BO Initial Rock Pressure Date Abandoned
Perforations PI: 4065-4091, Date: 5/1/2002, S/Ft: 26, # Shots: 26
Stimulations SI: 4065-4091, Fmtn Cd: 367020, Stim In: CS, Type: ACID, Vol: 1000 Gal, Acid%: 15, MBP: 111, MTP: 307, MISIP: 402
Casing Record SRF* 8.625 0-619-0, Comment: 0, Sks: 170  PROD 4.5 0-4220, Comment: 4220, Sks: 100  

Formation Top Bottom Source Prod. Non-Standard Remarks
BEREA SANDSTONE 590 615 Driller No
BIG LIME 1355 2021 Log No
PACKER SHELL 2141 2154 Log No
CLINTON SAND 2162 2203 Log No
BLACK RIVER GROUP 3546 3992 Log No

Annual Production
Year Source Oil Gas Water Remarks
2002 DMRM 21114 6449 0
2003 DMRM 32077 16099 0
2004 DMRM 27966 19898 0
2005 DMRM 26296 28211 0
2006 DMRM 27785 19727 0
2007 DMRM 16559 24062 0
2008 DMRM 11629 63034 0
2009 DMRM 9049 47252 0
2010 DMRM 6600 44645 0


Can you give the link where you accessed the permit information like you did above on the Boan-Marcum.  I haven't been able to get all that information from anything I've tried.  I'd like to check on some other wells.  Thanks

Find the permit number on the map here


Take that permit number and look up the well on the "Oil and Gas Well Database" found on this page.


On the database, click "Reports" then "Completions" and search based on the county and permit number for the well report. At the bottom of the report are a couple of links which usually contain the permit application papers, usually as a .tif image file. Some wells contain a link to a .pdf file for the well plat.


Thanks.  I had never clicked on those files under the well location link before.  Also, you might be interested in the production figures for the horizontal Hess well in the Marcellus in Jefferson County...... North American Coal 2H-20.  It's been making over 1000 barrels of oil each of the last 2 years, and a respectable amount of gas.  Do you know the completion figures for this well....lateral length....gallons of fluid....how many stages?  I can't find them.  These might be very good figures for a less aggressive frac job in 2009, and it appears to be very wet.

I just checked the production reports for the Marcellus well (vertical) that were drilled in Benton Township in Monroe County (Beck Energy) and one that was drilled in Grandview Township in Washington County (VIRCO).  The wells showed oil on the production reports.  It appears the marcellus shale is somewhere around 80 to 100 feet thick.  Just fyi....

Where is the 2011 Marcellus production? ODNR is showing Utica production for the Bucey 3H and also shows a Bucey 21-14-3 3H M as a Marcellus well on the status spreadsheet?

That would be very interesting to see. Before all the Utica talk started here they were using the words marcellus so I looked at some maps into our area and it showed it's very thin (I think thats the right way to say it) and stumbled across the Utica and knew that's why the gas companies really were here. I think all the areas listed in this thread are south of us so I'm still unsure of columbiana area which is further north. Late 10' we were told there was no value to the marcellus here. I'm not sure what to think of the maps since as we all are seeing from the reports of wet gas/dry gas line the odnr moved it west but the well East of those lines I think in Harrison county is doing very well.
I know that's for the Utica Im just saying I don't feel comfortable with these maps anymore. Besides the Marcellus and the Clinton what is there of value (not including coal) in the other layers?
Since I won't change my unit size unless I get something I want I want to fight for hopefully real value.
Those production reports would be great and I never once thought of that. Off to try and hunt them down.
That well in Beaver pa was into the Utica right not the Marcellus since so many rumors are they hit gry gas.

If you have the opportunity to revise your lease, you would be foolish to overlook reserving specific strata.  I have a leasee that only leases below the Queenston, so I can lease my Marcellus.  I am less than a couple miles from from a well mentioned earlier in this thread in far NE Carroll Co.  so I asked CHK a few months ago if they had any interest in my Marcellus and they said not at this time. 


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