Front page of Farm and Dairy has an article stating that Monroe County is  new leader in number of permits issued by ODNR. Seven Permits issued in April.

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What company is doing the drilling?

Are they Marcellus or Utica permits?  I heard that area is still being looked

at for Marcellus not Utica.

Wish my farm was in Carroll County, some of those folks are gonna be shittin in HIGH cotton.

That Neider is the second leg, that outta get the register ringin for someone.


Bill, most of Monroe is gonna be BONE DRY gas on your Utica, except for the far west townships from what my sources say. The H&G well is BONE dry gas, it's a boomer. but dry. I suppose it could make a few barrels of oil.

Does Mr Neider have a single , smokin hot daughter ?

I think I'm in love and I haven't even met her.

Monroe must be Marcellus!  Why would Antero pay $5900 and 21% for

dry gas?  Before they extended that offer everyone knew the Utica there

was dry gas! 

Let me know your thoughts,



  3/4's of Monroe is bone dry, however, Anterro took the western townships touching Noble and the 2 southwestern townships in Belmont and the 3 townships in guernsey...they did NOT take all of  Monroe , get the picture Bill.

Is what it is and I cant change it. regardless of what Des tells you... Ha ha


Do you think the Eastern half of Monroe is totally dry?  If so, none of

those folks will see a well drilled. 

HUMMMMM , Jimmy if you call 15 barrels a hour dry your right . That comes from a ground worker .

The bummer is all that darn gas pressure holding back all of that fluid . 

The map changes daily and if you havent seen the latest maps showing the wet gas window moving 

to the east you owe it to your self to take a look .  That was before they shut it in . 

15bbls. x 24hr = 360per day . BONE DRY

Not sure witch one it is but the source was for real .I wont be seeing him for a while but I will try to find out .

Never mind I found it. Deleted my post.

Most all Whitacre permits, Triad Hunter in eastern Monroe co - yellow triangles are permits

Not quite Bill...plenty of subscribers share maps and info with each other and if they want they can share with us to add.  Its a model used by google earth among others, and yes we do give away plenty of free information just as you do, sometimes maps sometimes tabular data.  Old buddy Ed?  Don't recall ever speaking with you before.


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