Friends of mine went with them back in late Dec.  But still no check??  Are they backing out of the lease for some reason? 

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We did not lease with Shell, But have friends that did. My understanding is the bank draft is not due untill 120 banking days, For the people we know that is mid May. Have not heard of any rejection letters. One thig I have noticed one drilling co. looks at the info. in one area a lot different than another co. Could depend on what product they are looking for.

I sighned with them in Dec. and they canceled the draft that was due May 3rd. they say it is due to being limited to 3 hours per day in venango court office putting them behind. they said they were mailing a new 60 day draft that will make 150 days:(

If it is true that Shell is being limited to 3 hrs./day at the Courthouse then Venango County residents need to raise some cain. Lawrence County extended hours and made other accomodations for the title searchers to facilitate the process. Why Venango would not do likewise smells alot fishy! Maybe some politics being played.......? They need to be strongly reminded that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS and this behavior is a DISSERVICE to the Public.


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