How much should I charge the piping company to store their pipe on my property?

I am currently in negotiations with the piping company that will be installing the pipleline on my property for the gas company I signed with.  This pipe company wants to put a temporary right away on my property along with 2 storage areas for their piping.  The areas are 200x200 and 100x100.  They claim that it gives them great access to their jobsite if they store their piping in these particular areas of my property.  They are offering me $2500.  Is this a good or bad deal? 

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I have heard it is a negotiated number 15-30 per foot is what I have heard. Where are you located?
I only received $10 per foot for the actual piping on the property. This was for 45,000 feet. Now the company is asking me to allow them cut a temporary road in and grant them two areas on the property to store the pipe for the jobs. This is what they are offering me $2500 for.
I meant to say 4,500 feet not 45,000.
I am located in Washington PA.
Thanks Jim. What about the $10 per foot they are offering us to run the pipe on my property. We are looking at about a $45,000 check. Obviously, this sounds great, but I just want to be sure we are not leaving any money on the table. Basically they are running their pipeline through my property to gain access to 10-11 wells on my property and others.
Remember, there will be lots of activity with trucks going in an out of your property. If you dont mind the traffic, get a time frame in writing as to how long they will be there and also make sure there are clauses regarding liability if anyone gets hurt on your property. I dont know whether this is a good deal or bad deal money wise but just from a liability standpoint, be protected in writing.


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