Would You Sell Your Land & Minerals? And If So How Much Would You Take?

My husband and I were approached by an invester to sell our land with the OGM rights. We are thinking about selling our land that is located in the WET UTICA region and has great geology. We would like to get the opionion of other land owners out there. If you were approached would you sell? And if you would sell what would the price per acre be?  Half of our acerage is leased and the other hald on a seperate parcel is not leased. It seems like if we do the math of the royalties over 30 years there is allot of money coming in. So do we sell? And If so what do we ask per acre? Thank You & God Bless =)

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Thanks Denver.

I might also add, when the govt first sent their 'survey', years ago, it was voluntary to complete and I saw nothing wrong with it.  BUT, when I chose NOT to continue completing the survey, was notified it was now MANDATORY!  I tore up one after the other, and then got a phone call... from the govt - mandatory!  I told them it is none of their business, we report and pay our taxes and what we do with our land, was our business.  Apparently, not so, according to them...

Here's the thing, since I had already completed their survey voluntarily, they ALREADY HAD MY INFORMATION, so there was no way to evade those questions or change those answeres.

Like a fish, the hook was bated, we bit, and then they snagged us.  I should have known but am much smarter today about govt and what they are up to than I was a few years ago...

Patricia: your playing in an arena with professionals...................it behooves you to have a professional on your team if you are serious about moving forward with this endeavor. Seek competent CPA advice who know how to look at this type of valuation and remember the possible capital gains bomb for timing purposes.  

I am in the industry.
I would be willing to give you an honest run down.
Advantages: Up front payment, regardless of longevity of well. Pros and Cons. The purchase is for investment purposes. The risk would be transferred to the investors. Also, significant tax benefits. BIG BENEFITS. Finally, quite honestly, you dont 'ask per acre'..... there is a specific formula used to determine offer. A good company will give you a good offer. The investors that I work with have topped all other offers. That I know of.
Signing a 6 million dollar deal today. 3 Million is for purchase. Another 3 million is for lease. The purchase was for 76ac that has producing wells that are two years old.
Disadvantages: You gave up mineral rights that could be leased and produced and spread over years of payment..... which significantly decline after 3 yrs production.
But, big pay, and wise investments could pay off all your current debts and create a stable income for the rest of your lives.
Hopefully, you found this answer helpful.

excellent things to think about Tony...

and exactly what are YOUR qualifications, Razor? A degree in oil & gas perhaps?

WHERE does Tony 'profess' to be a oil/gas PRO?  Or was it just an insult to his intelligence while boasting of your own?

well, now I DO see it but noting his other 'careers' does NOT demean his intelligence in this or other matters.   We all learn every day and once we stop learning, we should be dead.  it's called CE - Continuing Education...

We can all learn something from everyone and then, utilizing our own resources and knowledge, make intelligent decision - for ourselves.

We don't know what we don't  know and some things are true whether we believe it or not.

I am NOT in the industry but I learned about most of this outside this forum - from people in the Gas/Oil industry but had NO specific info from this particular area - but from the DuBois Punxsy area where it has been going on for a few years  now.

There are so many decisions to be made and any input from any resource should be appreciated.  Counter a point if you will, but insults merely bring people such as me into a defensive mode.  

Thanks for your input Razor, but please allow us the privilege of disseminating the information and the source.  That is how we all learn.

No personal offense Razor and apologize if I did offend.

This gentleman is indeed correct. I have successfully converted a dead in the water, actually a sunk coffee shop in StC into a very vibrant and exciting business in a small conservative town of 5,000 people.
And, my family is indeed the owners of a simple but successful jewelry store in the same town. They sell high quality diamonds at solid low prices. Never any barter nor alleged discounts. Good Christian people. That has been the key to their success as well.
And, I am a notary as well.
Question: Are you surprised that an individual who identifies themselves in public forum as 'Razor' would offer any constructive advice. Or, would they be more inclined to just start internet arguments.
Additionally, if this person would patronize the business that I own, they would find that I am there in evenings and I have a staff of 5 (including a manager) to run the business for me. Why? Because, I am in the field, officiating meetings, leasing acrage, purchasing mineral rights (signing 6 million dollar deal at 4p today) and handling daily operations for at least 3 different companies.
Oil/Gas Pro was the option they gave me when I set up my account. But, since you ask.... yes, yes I feel that I am a professional in the industry.
Perhaps, Mr./Mrs. 'Razor'..... you should get off the forums and get into an online english class.
Furthermore, if you know so much about me..... please contact me and allow me to address any questions that you may have. In person works as well.... unless, you require hiding behind such an aggressive and sharp (full pun intended) screen name.



My family has never had any liquidation sales. EVER. I take that back, we moved to StC from Whg about 10yrs ago. We had a 30day moving sale.

You, are obviously mistaken. I will allow this once. But, if you continue to attempt to slander my good christian mother and father..... I will not take kindly to that. Interpret that as you will.

Although, I do not have one, I understand that a Master's in Accounting is not a great accomplishment. Just shows that you can dedicate time.

Unfortunately, I do believe that divulging that information would violate the solicitation laws on this site.

And, do you really think that I would divulge the name of the recipient of this deal? Come on.


I strongly suggest that you be a man and address me face to face regarding slanderous statements online.


I am now done entertaining your puerile internet challeges. Geesh.

Although, I must admit that I am flattered to have such a fervent internet stalker.
Good for you! Good for me! Yay!

it's nobody's business either way and is NOT relevant to these discussions, Razor.

...and it does smack of slandering a family since Mr. Rox utilized his real name here. 

Linda, My real full name is Anthony J. Zambito III.
My parents business can be found if you search jewelry stores in St Clairsville. It is located at 128 W. Main St.

The more that i think about 'Razor's remarks about my parents, I request that he come clean with his full name. I implore him to.

Here is a forum that can be used as a vehicle to gain, share and cultivate knowledge. But, sadly, it is cluttered by individuals who demonstrate their own internal emptiness by hanging out on a computer all day 'trolling'.

Well, again John.... please tell me who you are and where you can be found. My parents are solid citizens who earn a modest living through proper business practices. And, i would very much like to speak with you in person regarding their honor and your incorrect attempt to publicly humiliate them in a forum that they will never see.

By the way, you are speaking of the long since defunct Posin's Jewelers - DUMBASS.

Do you pay the same attention to detail when accounting with your 'Master's' degree?

To quote the comedic genius of Mel Blanc - "What A Maroon"


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