Membership Moratorium


Congrats to Steve Gorrell who became our last member approved before our membership moratorium takes place on GMS. As with anything, there is a tendency for folks to abuse a tool. On GMS, we have seen an uptick in posts that don’t exactly encompass what GMS is meant to be. So, starting today I will begin to analyze who we want our fellow members to be and how to deal with those who we don’t. In the meanwhile a membership moratorium will be put in place. Once I feel confident in the new membership policy, the moratorium will be lifted.


At 14,000 members we have a nice group of folks who are largely considerate of others. But, as often is the case, there are a handful of people who will abuse it. In order to make sure GMS continues to be a useful place to visit, we will get a handle on it.


With that said, non-members are welcome to continue visiting the site to read the posts, but membership will be reserved for those that have proven themselves to be valuable and considerate members. Of course, there will be disagreements on a host of topics, but the goal is to keep things productive and largely civil.


Please send any thoughts, concerns or opinions to



Keith Mauck


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I think you should make sure people are using their real names and not a pseudonym; make it transparent as possible.   (Show Obamao how it is done!  lol...)

One downside to requiring the use of real names is that a lot of industry insiders post good info.  They may have to stop doing so if they are forced to disclose their names.  These companies are very secretive..sorta like Spy vs Spy.

A pen name is fine, as long as the individual does not go into a patern of deceit and hidden agendas.  For instance, several incognitos are obviously writing to be a part of the intelligent discussion.  The obvious Trolls stood out and hid behind the no name.

Hey Jim, Yeah, now I see your point.  I never thought of that side of it!  Thanks!  

First of all, enforcing that is nearly impossible...99.9% percent impossible. Second, any information received on GMS should be considered a secondary source. Primary sources are the obvious meetings, direct negotiations and maybe discussion with your neighbors (now come here and share that info with us). I think if someone is claiming to be a professional oil/gas employee but hasn't used their real name, that should be a warning sign.

Sounds reasonable to me.  ;)

Yes, see Knapp, as a contrast.

On the flip side, I am a geologist for a company in W PA and I enjoy engaging with the community - I'm happy to answer what questions I can, and I patrol here for such.  However, there are official clearances, yadda yadda so I choose not to associate with anything in particular and thus remain anonymous.  Like all interweb postings, take my responses with a grain of salt but I try to stick to the science and yet have no intention of using my real name.


-Area Man

That's reasonable, but I just wouldn't take your opinion to the bank without confirmation of your role in the industry etc etc... thanks for that thought.

Just when I was ready to give this site up, you come along and decide to clean it up. GREAT!!!!

It was starting to lose it's informational quality to those who wanted to grand stand with saber rattling and childish name calling which did absolutely nothing for the rest us trying to  acquire and share information to benefit all.

Thank you again for cleaning up the waste and getting the site back to what it was intended.


Thanks Jimmy, oh the growing pains of managing a large town!

Could this site do any online seminars or webcasts about the leasing process or a panel discussion on whats happening in our various counties.  The posting of messages is helpful but I think a webinar discussion that devotes some serious time to a topic such as leasing, seismic testing, fracking, etc.  would be very helpful in educating all of us.


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