My deed says I own 10 acres - Unit map info says 6.1 Title acres - How can that be?

Hello all. I own 10 acres in Beaver County. That's what my Deed says, that's what I pay taxes on. I have a lease with Chpk. While looking at the Unit plat map information, I noticed that my Title acres is listed as 6.1 acres and Net acres in unit as 6.1 acres. How can this be possible? The lease is for 10 acres. I realize that my deed says more or less and I have never actually had it surveyed and marked, but almost 4 acres less??? Anyone have any input about this? Thank you in advance. 

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The problem is that the leasing, drilling and pipeline companies hire subcontractors to do their surveying and mapping and there is such a great demand for these services with the boom in PA.

Often the subcontractors are below par and their work is not up to industry standards. Often the surveying is done with satellite images and the plats are incorrect with acreage, location of wells and pipelines as well as length of pipeline easements. It is wise to check the documents for accuracy. Best case scenario.......being paid for less of a pipeline easement than actually used. You are now proud owner of x amount of pipeline through your property. I wonder what it is worth now?

If they are fooling around with property lines they had better be using a PA licensed professional land surveyor that is directly involved or in direct charge of the surveying activities.  That is the absolute law.  You can't fix property lines using satellite images, there must be actual ground surveys performed.  How do I know?  I am a PA PLS.


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