We are pleased to announce a new  Eastern Ashtabula Landowners Association Meeting . Please feel free to pass along this information to your neighbors. Bob Rea will be giving us some up to date information on what's happening in the area with the O/G play. Hope you can make it...

                               Veterans Memorial Performing Arts Center                    
                                Pymatuning Valley High School
                                   Tuesday August 14th   7pm
School is West of Andover on State Route 6.

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I have been to the last few meeting in Andover. I am hoping we can get more in depth on this next meeting. i have paperwork ready to hand in for property's. in my opinion i not sure were getting much traction as of present. this could quite possibly due to lack of interest in the oil company's.  hopefully this meeting will bring more to the table for us. 

I received a call from Buckeye Minerals/ALOV last week to advise me of the upcoming meeting to be held on August 14th. I was told that that meeting would be an official sign up meeting and to bring proof of ownership.

If this is so then I hope we have a tremendous showing so as to start the process rolling.

Thats funny you say that Bill. They called me also, I told them I probably wouldn't be able to make it. And asked if we were going to be signing a commitment letter yet and was told NO it was just a meeting to update us on whats going on. But I'm hoping your right I like that better.Anyone else hear anything.

I specifically asked the caller if this was an official sign up to which the answer was YES. I mentioned that it was not in the EALA posting about the upcoming meeting. The caller even named the type of real estate form that would be needed to be signed. Asked if my wife had to be present as the property is joint and the answer was NO, not at this time as only one party would be needed. Was also told to bring supporting documentation as to my ownership.

If so, my guess is that there would be standing room only.

Perhaps some clarification is needed as this is an important aspect of the final process.

Yes that sounds like  the same thing they had us do at the last meeting.


check out Eastern Geauga Landowners Non Profit:


No commission charged to landowner members

Do not lease for less than $5500 and 20% gross royalty

are they leasing and signing folks in eastern Ashtabula county?

that's a lot of loot for the lease. 

has this group been around or just starting up?

We do not ask anyone to sign a lease at this time. We are a collection of landowners uniting for the greater good for all. We started late last year , took some time to get the non profit corp status, good direction, and now are well on our way. We have concentrated on educating landowners to unite with their neighbors and form as many 640 acre contiguous units as they can. Say NO to the flippers and the middlemen and hold tight for the best terms. We have made an impact with our message ! The flippers have doubled their offers and some attorney groups have closed up shop. We are a true landowners advocate and the directors have over 1000 acres of their own lands represented in this group.  We are open to all NE OH landowners that are willing to tell the industry what their mineral rights are worth to them !!  We have 18,000 acres and growing everyday !

Can you say for sure anyone has signed for $5,500 per acre?

Douglas W

Yes the Utica Landowners Group signed for  $5900 per acre and a 21 % royalty. They were able to accomplish this by every landowner sticking together and delivering the same message to the landmen,and the flippers.

Join a landowners group and tell the industry what you must  have for your mineral rights ! Congratulations to those landowners.


Thank you Mark. I am in neighboring Crawford County and we are on the threshold of what some of you already have been through I think. I think we may be experiencing flippers right now instead of the oil companies themselves.


Do you have a sample of the lease that EGL is marketing that you can share with prospective landowners ?



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