Sept. 26, 2012


Rex Energy Corporation

(Nasdaq:REXX) today announced initial production results from its first Ohio

Utica Shale well and provided an update on its operations.

The Brace #1H, located in Carroll County, Ohio,was brought online to sales

from its 60-day resting period at a 24-hour sales rate, assuming full ethane

recovery, of 1,094 Boe/d (43% NGLs, 31% gas, 26% condensate). The well went

on to average a 5-day sales rate, assuming full ethane recovery, of 1,008 Boe/d

(43% NGLs, 30% gas, 27% condensate). The well produced with an average casing

pressure of 1,502 psi during the initial 24-hour sales period and 1,533 psi

during the average 5-day sales period on a 24/64 inch choke. The well was

drilled to a total measured depth of 12,332 feet with a lateral length of

approximately 4,170 feet and was completed in 17 stages. Based on

composition analysis, the oil from the Brace #1H is 60.1 degree API gravity

and the gas is approximately 1,250 BTU.

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  Your comments are encouraging. With several entities racing to get pipeline and processing infrastructure in place, it won't be long before we can expect full pricing for "condensates"!



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