EID-O's Shawn discusses the recent change to the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District:

"UPDATE (9/6/2012, 09:00 am ET):  On Friday the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) Board of Director’s voted to allow temporary water sales from both Piedmont and Clendening Lakes in Harrison County while waiting for the results of their US Geological Survey water feasibility study for their entire watershed.

The reasoning for allowing the temporary sales of water is because the MWCD will be drawing down both lakes in the fall in order to prepare for the winter.  Both lakes will release a total of 6 billion gallons during the drawdown process or enough water to hydraulically fracture over 1,000 wells.

This kind of sale proves that water withdraws are beneficial to everyone involved.  The MWCD will get revenue to help fund and make improvements to their watershed and the industry will get access to water near their sites which will help cut down on truck traffic for their neighbors.

—Original post from July 27th, 2012—

As the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) is awaiting the results on an independent water availability study, it’s important we share a better understanding of the history, facts and science on water availability in the MWCD.  There have been a lot of folks going around the state drumming up fear in regards to Utica Shale development, and they are using water usage as one of their main talking points.  The problem is they are using uninformed opinions to persuade people with fear and innuendo.

The MWCD was created in 1933 for flood control and conservation.  Throughout the years, the MWCD has built 14 dams for the purpose of flood control, conservation and recreation.  The reason being – our area of the state has plenty of water."

READ THE REST: http://www.eidohio.org/plenty-of-water-for-shale-development-in-the...

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Gee...........Some common sense being applied.............how refreshing !  I like it.



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