I am not surprised to see the attacks on Obama and the so-called war on coal but it is not Obama that will put coal on the back burner of energy. It is natural gas. No coincedence that coal has been waning as gas has become cheap, clean and abundant. This will continue into the far future so the smart thing for the coal industry is to invest in the gas reserves in this area. Put down the shovels and start drilling. Save lives, save the environment and save America from middle east oil.

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Frank can you please stop at the grocery store on your way home from fantasyland today, drive to west virginia and fill the refrigerators for the next f our years of people who will never work again in the career they love, take pride in and depend on. That is Coal Mining.

Well put Schnoozie. We need ALL sources of energy and the jobs they provide. Where coal can be mined and power produced cost effectively, it should be done.


Something we agree on!

People need to be able to have a roof over their heads. This is not a philisophy class.

Obama is stopping coal right now, but gas will be next.  He wants green energy and gas no longer meets this definition to him.  Both are too cheap energy to compete with his green enery ideas, so he needs to elimate both of them. 

Coal can be burned cleanly.   It has been able to meet all of the current EPA regulaions, so the EPA added CO2 as a pollutant, something congress has said is not a pollutant, but Obama has given the EPA the go ahead to use CO2 as a pollutant.  Currently natural gas meets these co2 regs, but the EPA will eventually just lower them so that natural gas also does not meet them and coal and gas will be in the same position. 


Just a few quick facts about global warming, if you believe CO2 is a global warming gas, it is an extremely small one, actually water vapor would be the largest global warming gas and would account for over 95% of all global warming gases.  CO2 would only be a couple of percent of the global warming gas.   Our atmoshpehere has about 0.38 % of CO2 in it.  Enviromentalists vary on the amount of CO2 produced by man, but the estimates range from 3 -6 percent of the CO2 produced.   Most of the CO2 is produced by mother earth herself.  So if we reduce out CO2 output by 10%, the man made portion of the CO2 production will be 2.7% to 5.5% but mother earth will still be pumping the same amount of CO2 so overall CO2 production will only be cut by at the most 0.6%.   So this small reduction of 0.6% is then applied to a 3% of total glabal warming gases and you still end up with CO2 be 3% of the global warming gases,just a very negligable change. 

It is all about the govenment controlling everyting!

Just because coal is dirtier than NG does not mean we are ready to wean off of it yet.  Even though we are readying to build new reactors soon we are way behind with nuclear and NG power plants are scarce.  Coal has kept steady for power production  because the price has generally been stable.  Utilities fear having to switch to NG because historically NG pricing has been seasonal and unstable with large price swings.  Part of the lack of jumping to switch to NG comes from the way it is traded and sold.  NG will probably become more stable with pricing but the price will probably stay low for some time.  This is good for the country, not so good for royalties.  Some coal plants have spent years and lots of $ to meet current regulations.  Many have not, this was a business decision these companies made years ago.  Coal will be sold to other countries for decades to come.  Metallurgical coal is in great demand the world over.  Coal is not going away anytime soon.   

So as long as it benefits you, we should all jump on the gas train?

You need to look at the bigger picture.

Well Frank Get your windmill out and strap to your car cause we got 4 more years and he says the best is yet to come THANK GOD!! Because what we've seen so far  sure sucks and as far as the personal attacks lay off the coal miners Frankie they been a carrying your ass for awhile now.And as far as you getting rich he's gotta plan for that to. It's called taxes, then epa then no more royalties, invest what you get in green companies like the wind turbine companies that went belly up his first 4 years. So if we sell our gas rights to companies, which in turn get investors from foreign countries and we shut down our coal mines for cleaner energy, that means in 20 years no coal and we're buying our electricity from foreign countries using our gas that we sold to a foreign invester.Yea FRANKY GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF WHEREEVER YOU HAVE IT STUCK!!!!

Call up your local Republican Congressman and demand no new taxes for Obama & the Democrats because we care about our kids future, not Obama Care or any other waistful goverment program.

Ohio's socialist John Kasich at work! Sounds like redistribution of wealth to me!


He'll be voted out at the end of this term and deservedly so. The whole idea of taking from the haves who profit from shale because they invested in land and giving it to the have-nots who didn't invest sickens me. It is not government's place to pick the winners and losers in life. 

This is a joke, Obamas plans for coal are very specific and intentional. Destroy it without any regard for the human beings that it will affect directly. He has no regard for life and freedom.


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