need  some help with offer information $1000 an acre and 15% royalty can some one tell me if this is the new going rate. in south butler.

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i doubt it

In Clarion Co Chevron paid 3250 and 12.5 % since u can only lease once in my opinion i would hold out for a better deal keep in mind it has been there for a hundred yrs or more if they really want it they will pay u for it it also depends on if it is wet gas or dry gas as well is it Utica or Marcellus gas they r going after ect.... and how much u need the money if u hold out one of two things r gonna happen u r going to get more per acre or u r going to have to wait they can go around u depending on how far u r away from the well pad the closer the better chance u have to get a better deal keep in mind however when it is all said and done the gas companys will have sucked every ounce of gas and oil out of the ground that they can and the only storage space that they have for all that gas is right under your feet and noone will want u to have an access point to put your straw into there drink so to speak and any oil or gas man that u talk to isnt there for u they r working for the gas company not the land owner if they can get u to sign for say a 1000 an acre y in the world would they offer u 2000 happy leasing

It is hard to be for certain whether you will get another chance or not, but if XTO is leasing, it is because they want to put you in a unit.  If you have a large piece, maybe they NEED you and you can negotiate for more.  If you have a smaller piece and just WANT you, then maybe this is your shot to get in a unit.  I have seen both Rex and XTO unit maps with the infamous "donut hole" in them for someone that held out for more.  Its ultimately up to you, but I would counter with "I will sign right now (if the lease meets your landowner needs) for X dollars per acre and X% royalty.  If they tell you no way, sweat them out a week or so and try again but likely they will stiff arm you and $1000 and 15% is the best you will get.  That area is a drier (but still a tad wet) Marcellus area.  My guess is, thats the going rate in your area.  You will likely not get another offer from anyone else...

Thanks , i agree under same impression.

I just recently signed with EdgeMarc for $3000 per acre and 15% net at the well head.  My property is just outside of Butler, PA.  Edgemarc is a small driller from Bridgeville, PA and has 2 drilling permits approved and they want to drill starting in March, 2013.


I think you hit the nail on the head Tom.  I would add that if you were to counter, you may want to do so in a manner that you don't close the door on yourself.   Many landowners, including myself, are kicking themselves for digging their heels in a little too hard during the last push and received nothing. Do what makes sense to you.  Like my (sometimes wise) pappy always said.....pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered;)  Good luck to you! 


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